Title: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Take Them Alive on July 05, 2012, 01:52:45 pm Have you ever put Sevin Dust on your dogs for fleas, my body next door to me puts it on his dogs for fleas. Dose this work??
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: BA-IV on July 05, 2012, 01:57:42 pm Yeah it works, I have heard of it being put on litters of puppies that weren't very old. There's better stuff for dogs though now a days.
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Take Them Alive on July 06, 2012, 07:43:37 am Like what? I'm getting Frontline and putting it on them because they or covered with fleas.
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: marks on July 06, 2012, 08:48:12 am I use something like frontline on my dogs at the first of every month but I'll put some seven on em toward the end of the month if the other stuff is wearing off and they need something to get them through. That rarely happens.
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Take Them Alive on July 06, 2012, 09:43:35 am I use something like frontline on my dogs at the first of every month but I'll put some seven on em toward the end of the month if the other stuff is wearing off and they need something to get them through. That rarely happens. Thanks for all y'all help, it looks like it is working....... Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Curdog352 on July 07, 2012, 08:20:01 am I put seven dust on 7 of my dogs and they all did well with except my one bulldog. It looked as if she actually got a small chemical burn from it. Since then I've stayed away from it
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: ked on July 07, 2012, 09:36:35 am Fleas will breed in 7dust. Have nevr had success control fleas with it. Bayer Tre & Shrub has worked well.
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Reuben on July 07, 2012, 01:22:48 pm I use something like frontline on my dogs at the first of every month but I'll put some seven on em toward the end of the month if the other stuff is wearing off and they need something to get them through. That rarely happens. Thanks for all y'all help, it looks like it is working....... get you some bayer tree and shrub from lowes or home depot...or you can buy the ortho max tree and shrub...make sure it doesn't have the fertilizer in it and then pour 15 cc's over your dogs top line and rub it in onto the skin...the amount I am talking about works for a 40-60 pound dog...just make sure you buy the one that has the 1.47% active ingredient...should be right under 20 bucks but will last you a long time...you can use it on your dogs once a month but my dogs go at least 6 months without fleas...make sure to wear rubber gloves... Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Reuben on July 07, 2012, 01:24:22 pm I tried the sevin dudt many years ago and it doesn't work...like previously stated....there are many other products out there that work pretty good...
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Brushraider on July 08, 2012, 03:38:01 am I vomec rolleyes... But honestly I wouldn't Use seven dust as your monthly flea treatment. However,I tend to take in any hungry dog that rolls up. Many were COVERED in ticks and flease. I was given this advise and it has served me well, get a bottle of Adams and a thing of seven dust. Spray the entire dogs with Adams, apply liberally to the area with a lot of ticks. While the dog is still wet sprinkle seven dust on the dog and rub it in. Coat the bottom of the kennel or just the doghouse if theyre on a cable with the seven dust. Within 3days almost everything is gone or dead if they're still attached. Then go to the Bayer soon after as a preventive....this is mainly for heavy tick problems. I'm no vet but It works and hAsnt hurt a dog so far and some of them looked like hairy skeletons when I did it.
Title: Re: Sevin Dust on dogs Post by: Take Them Alive on July 09, 2012, 07:57:31 am I use something like frontline on my dogs at the first of every month but I'll put some seven on em toward the end of the month if the other stuff is wearing off and they need something to get them through. That rarely happens. Thanks for all y'all help, it looks like it is working....... get you some bayer tree and shrub from lowes or home depot...or you can buy the ortho max tree and shrub...make sure it doesn't have the fertilizer in it and then pour 15 cc's over your dogs top line and rub it in onto the skin...the amount I am talking about works for a 40-60 pound dog...just make sure you buy the one that has the 1.47% active ingredient...should be right under 20 bucks but will last you a long time...you can use it on your dogs once a month but my dogs go at least 6 months without fleas...make sure to wear rubber gloves... Yes Sir. sounds good I'll try it......that frontline is way to high to keep using it on 3 or more dogs.... |