Title: Catch Dog 4 trade Post by: justincorbell on May 01, 2009, 08:17:25 pm i hate to do this, but i have to get rid of my pitbull, i just ended the lease with my last house and i am about to go out of town for work for the ext 3 weeks. i had to put all my stuff in storage because i do not have time to find a house before i leave and i have a place for my other dogs but i cant get anyone to keep him. I would like to give him to someone who will use him........I did say give.....on one condition, you will have a good place for him and you will breed him to a hunting dog and give me 2 pups. I really dont want to do this period but i figured it would be better on the dog and myself. my name is justin. please call or text me immediately with any trade or offer along those lines. I will send pictures to anyone who calls or texts. I will be awake til around 1 tonight so dont worry about calling late thanks. my number is 409-454-3460