HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Curcross1987 on July 06, 2012, 02:23:41 pm

Title: Whethford Ben
Post by: Curcross1987 on July 06, 2012, 02:23:41 pm
Looking at some whetherford Ben dogs would like to hear the good and bad about what y'all know about them

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: t-dog on July 06, 2012, 05:02:21 pm
well bud, just my opinion, but there are good ones and bad ones in any family of dogs. the ones i've been around were short/medium range as far as hunt goes and the biggest majority of them were real gritty. ben himself was a rough son of a gun, pretty much a catch dog on hogs. just find someone that really uses them and try to set up a hunt and decide from there if it's what you like. once a person has had a certain family of dogs for any period of time that they didn't start, the dogs usually change because different people breed for different traits and reasons. you can have pedigrees that look real simular from two or more people and completely different dogs.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: gomer on July 06, 2012, 05:10:58 pm
I have several Ben bred dogs and I like them. Mine are out of so hog dogs but  I use mine on cattle and they work great for me.   I have a few pups for sale if your looking for some.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: charles on July 08, 2012, 07:43:12 am
That line is just like any other line or individual persons dogs. They hav good and bad trsits no matter how good the gentics are suppose to be. 7 out 9 of my dogs are foundation and they are no better than any other high line bred dogs. I had 1 that was more interested in cattle than hogs and he would hunt right by your feet and anothr 1 i had will hunt by the feet till he winds. All of mine are realy gritty and rough.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on July 08, 2012, 10:37:50 am
My personal observations only ......not intended for a representation for the entire line.

The dogs are very put together color wise and bay great.
I believe they would make exceptionally better cattle dogs than hog.

Less desirable qualities witnessed were:

Extremely skittish
Small framed
throw bob tails (personal taste)
over priced

I will stay reserved on nose and tracking abilities since there are numerous folks that I do respect their opinion that say they can and do, but so far have turned a big zero in that department as well. (But will continue to observe)

Close friends of mine have stated that a few of the Ben Jordan dogs have been observed hunting good, but they also stated they frequently came skittish as well.

Very interesting line but am still wary.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Miller Lite on July 08, 2012, 12:03:12 pm
When i got mine as pup he was timid ... he is 2 an some change now an he is turnin into one heck of a dog if there is a hog in the woods he'll go outta his way to find it thats for sure ... downfall is ... he is very very independent take him with 6 7 dogs he'll stay away from them an hunt decent ... take him with just one other cur dog an a bulldog an he'll get it done every time i've got pups outta him that are a little over a year old an have all found ran an bayed there own hogs an are still doing so but like every dog they have the days when they shine an the days where they dont perform like they should ... i like mine though an as said above i do also think they would do better on cows ... had an old man whos land i hunt ask me to put him on his cows once so i did it an you would've thought he had done it a thousand times ... if i had cows i'd probably work all mine on cattle instead of hogs but i sure do like pork

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: cantexduck on July 08, 2012, 12:31:55 pm
    Never had one,never will. Seems like the line is just a breeding line to make money. Seen a few,would not feed one. A lot more to just baying a hog to make a dog worth breeding. I don't care how they look. Hunting ability is number one.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Reuben on July 08, 2012, 12:52:40 pm
I tried a few and I didn't buy...they appeared to be cow dog stock and not hog dog stock...

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Stick on July 08, 2012, 02:06:12 pm
I have a couple and are pleased with them, a friend has some that are jam up hog dogs that are medium to long range dogs I would say, there's good and bad in everything, I use mine on cows and will continue to stay with FBMC Ben breed or not, I just like them yellers

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: cward on July 08, 2012, 03:05:17 pm
I tried a few and I didn't buy...they appeared to be cow dog stock and not hog dog stock...
I take any herd bunching cow dog on hogs than any hog dog any day.  When you take a dog that has been bunching cows and get him to swap over on hogs thats when you start tieing 10 to 15 hogs a day. ;)

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: ked on July 08, 2012, 04:03:11 pm
I tried a few and I didn't buy...they appeared to be cow dog stock and not hog dog stock...
I take any herd bunching cow dog on hogs than any hog dog any day.  When you take a dog that has been bunching cows and get him to swap over on hogs thats when you start tieing 10 to 15 hogs a day. ;)

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: jdt on July 08, 2012, 05:22:40 pm
xs 3 , all of them i've had and seen were too rough on cattle - if they did much of anything at all .

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Reuben on July 08, 2012, 06:16:10 pm
I tried a few and I didn't buy...they appeared to be cow dog stock and not hog dog stock...
I take any herd bunching cow dog on hogs than any hog dog any day.  When you take a dog that has been bunching cows and get him to swap over on hogs thats when you start tieing 10 to 15 hogs a day. ;)

cward, if the cow dog has the nose and the hunt then I can see it making a hog dog... especially if that dog won't let a cow break...

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: cward on July 08, 2012, 10:29:13 pm
I tried a few and I didn't buy...they appeared to be cow dog stock and not hog dog stock...
I take any herd bunching cow dog on hogs than any hog dog any day.  When you take a dog that has been bunching cows and get him to swap over on hogs thats when you start tieing 10 to 15 hogs a day. ;)

cward, if the cow dog has the nose and the hunt then I can see it making a hog dog... especially if that dog won't let a cow break...
Not sure on the Ben breed dogs as i have not seen it in them. But the hutto,Hart,woodruff,and Perry stock cow dogs Mr. When you swap them off cows on hogs or just start them on hogs its like they know how many cows or hogs there baying and they try and put the package together. Bob Owens and clue Anderson have these same style of dogs.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Hog_Hunter_57 on July 09, 2012, 03:08:56 pm
The dogs we used to catch wild cows and the used them on hogs made great catch dogs!!!!!!!! I guess just like ben dogs. All my dogs are rough but the ones that is used to run on cows never met a hog they did not catch.

Title: Re: Whethford Ben
Post by: Reuben on July 09, 2012, 06:12:10 pm
there is no doubt in my mind that cow dogs that are bred to go deep in the woods and find and bay and hold wild cows have to be very very good dogs...but percentage wise, I bet there are more cow dogs bred today to just work cattle and to hold or drive them...these type of dogs do not necessarily make hog dogs because a dog to be good at that does not have to have range or much of a nose...that type of dog is not tested like the first type of dog I described...

not trying to stir the pot but that is how I see it...

I have seen too many cow dogs that don't have the type of hunt that I like...but I have heard of the Perry, Melman, and Hart dogs that can do both with style...I am sure there are other's lines out there and probably quite a few other lines that have gone by the wayside simply because quite a few ranches have been devided, cleared, etc...etc... so that the long range cow dog is not in as high a demand as it once was in the past...