Title: Was it ever established......... Post by: JRyanS on July 08, 2012, 05:30:49 pm why a dog for sale without a trial offered is cheaper than 1 with a trial? Just doesn't make sense to me.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: dogo24 on July 08, 2012, 05:43:33 pm because they know if you watch it hunt you aint gonna buy it ! lol
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: halfbreed on July 08, 2012, 07:23:49 pm some of it you wouldn't understand till you've sold a few dogs on trial lol it's a pain . that's why after all these years i'll never sell another started dog on trial . it will be in the woods done deal period .
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 07:29:04 pm Well personally if you were to buy a dog from me i would charge more with a trial than without......what if you (not really directed at you, but anyone) take my dog out on trial get him cut to hell and back and try to bring him back because he isn't "your style" .......now most wouldn't do something like that but there is still a chance.
Now if i sold you the dog for 600-800 on trial and he does indeed come back cut up in bad shape, im not going to refuse to take him back but i will refuse to give back a full refund, i would give back your money, minus the vet bill. Make sense lol??? "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: JRyanS on July 08, 2012, 07:42:50 pm yeah, I understand that but I hope that would go without saying..........but your right, not everyone would agree.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: Reuben on July 08, 2012, 07:45:47 pm Well personally if you were to buy a dog from me i would charge more with a trial than without......what if you (not really directed at you, but anyone) take my dog out on trial get him cut to hell and back and try to bring him back because he isn't "your style" .......now most wouldn't do something like that but there is still a chance. Now if i sold you the dog for 600-800 on trial and he does indeed come back cut up in bad shape, im not going to refuse to take him back but i will refuse to give back a full refund, i would give back your money, minus the vet bill. Make sense lol??? "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland must make it understood that the dog comes back in the same condition he left in... but something else to consider...is the new potential owner a good handler or will he set the dog back??? does he know to hunt the dog correctly? just some things to consider... Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: charles on July 08, 2012, 07:53:52 pm To bring a dog back cut from rooter to pooter and expect a refund is just stupid. It may not be a hunters rule, spoken or not, but its common curtisy n respect.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: ETHHunters on July 08, 2012, 08:15:23 pm Well personally if you were to buy a dog from me i would charge more with a trial than without......what if you (not really directed at you, but anyone) take my dog out on trial get him cut to hell and back and try to bring him back because he isn't "your style" .......now most wouldn't do something like that but there is still a chance. NO STILL MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. FOR A COUPLE HUNDRED EXTRA DOLLARS IM NOT TAKING A DOG BACK THAT IS IN ANY WORSE SHAPE THAN WHEN HE LEFT. I HONESTLY THINK IT IS JUST A SELLING POINT. SAYING THE DOG COMES WITH A TRIAL IS STILL ONLY AS GOOD AS THE MANS WORD. Now if i sold you the dog for 600-800 on trial and he does indeed come back cut up in bad shape, im not going to refuse to take him back but i will refuse to give back a full refund, i would give back your money, minus the vet bill. Make sense lol??? "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: hillcountry on July 08, 2012, 08:55:22 pm You hunt with me or i will hunt with you. You like the dog pay cash andits yours if not adios.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 09:17:24 pm Well personally if you were to buy a dog from me i would charge more with a trial than without......what if you (not really directed at you, but anyone) take my dog out on trial get him cut to hell and back and try to bring him back because he isn't "your style" .......now most wouldn't do something like that but there is still a chance. NO STILL MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. FOR A COUPLE HUNDRED EXTRA DOLLARS IM NOT TAKING A DOG BACK THAT IS IN ANY WORSE SHAPE THAN WHEN HE LEFT. I HONESTLY THINK IT IS JUST A SELLING POINT. SAYING THE DOG COMES WITH A TRIAL IS STILL ONLY AS GOOD AS THE MANS WORD.Now if i sold you the dog for 600-800 on trial and he does indeed come back cut up in bad shape, im not going to refuse to take him back but i will refuse to give back a full refund, i would give back your money, minus the vet bill. Make sense lol??? "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Well thats your decision but if i sold a dog worth sellin and it came back cut up then i would damn sure buy it back, if for no other reason to make sure he was properly cared for, don't give a damn what you would do, its my decision to just like its your decision not to, different stroke fer different folks. Thats why i rarely sell a dog on here anyway. I know most people wouldn't do it and it should be an unspoken agreement but it isn't, bottom line.......don't know what the capslock is about. "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: charles on July 08, 2012, 09:31:00 pm Justin, im sure the capslock dont mean anything. I used to type everything in caps just so i could see it before i worr glasses.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: SCHitemHard on July 08, 2012, 09:33:34 pm MAKES READIN EASIER! ;)
i agree with justin 100% Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: Randy_P on July 08, 2012, 09:34:03 pm Well personally if you were to buy a dog from me i would charge more with a trial than without......what if you (not really directed at you, but anyone) take my dog out on trial get him cut to hell and back and try to bring him back because he isn't "your style" .......now most wouldn't do something like that but there is still a chance. NO STILL MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. FOR A COUPLE HUNDRED EXTRA DOLLARS IM NOT TAKING A DOG BACK THAT IS IN ANY WORSE SHAPE THAN WHEN HE LEFT. I HONESTLY THINK IT IS JUST A SELLING POINT. SAYING THE DOG COMES WITH A TRIAL IS STILL ONLY AS GOOD AS THE MANS WORD.Now if i sold you the dog for 600-800 on trial and he does indeed come back cut up in bad shape, im not going to refuse to take him back but i will refuse to give back a full refund, i would give back your money, minus the vet bill. Make sense lol??? "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Well thats your decision but if i sold a dog worth sellin and it came back cut up then i would damn sure buy it back, if for no other reason to make sure he was properly cared for, don't give a damn what you would do, its my decision to just like its your decision not to, different stroke fer different folks. Thats why i rarely sell a dog on here anyway. I know most people wouldn't do it and it should be an unspoken agreement but it isn't, bottom line.......don't know what the capslock is about. Capslock means there is some meaning behind what he is saying. As for you not giving a damn, well Im sure he doesnt give a damn about you or your attitude.....NEXT. Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: ETHHunters on July 08, 2012, 09:39:11 pm WEll DED BURN YOU DONT HAVE TO GET YOUR PANTYS IN A WAD! MY OPINION IS YOU ARE WRONG! I DONT BUY OR SALE DOGS ON HERE. BUT IF I DID IT WOULD BE HUNT WITH THE DOG OR NO DEAL... BOTTOM LINE!
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: Randy_P on July 08, 2012, 09:41:28 pm Capslock means there is some meaning behind what he is saying. As for you not giving a damn, well Im sure he doesnt give a damn about you or your attitude.....NEXT.
Forgot to add that a trial for one amount and no trial with a different amound is just plain STUPID!! Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: LionandBoarHunter on July 08, 2012, 09:50:27 pm With trial means a little Vaseline
No trial means better get ready there goin to ram it to u !! Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 09:55:13 pm Capslock means there is some meaning behind what he is saying. As for you not giving a damn, well Im sure he doesnt give a damn about you or your attitude.....NEXT. Forgot to add that a trial for one amount and no trial with a different amound is just plain STUPID!! Like i said different stroke for different folks.....NEXT "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 10:01:11 pm WEll DED BURN YOU DONT HAVE TO GET YOUR PANTYS IN A WAD! MY OPINION IS YOU ARE WRONG! I DONT BUY OR SALE DOGS ON HERE. BUT IF I DID IT WOULD BE HUNT WITH THE DOG OR NO DEAL... BOTTOM LINE! I gave my honest opinion and u typed back in capslock.....that is a sign of a raised voice over a computer screen, i dont care if you think im wrong, like ive said twice now, different strokes for different folks, my "panties are no where near in a bunch" lol..... Im not tryin to argue with you, relax. "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 10:02:30 pm Capslock means there is some meaning behind what he is saying. As for you not giving a damn, well Im sure he doesnt give a damn about you or your attitude.....NEXT. Forgot to add that a trial for one amount and no trial with a different amound is just plain STUPID!! And by the way, i didn't start with the "attitude" buddy. "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: Randy_P on July 08, 2012, 10:05:47 pm Easy now!! I was simply going off the "dont give a damn" comment. You can unwind your panties so we can get back on the thread at hand rather than hijack it.
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: ETHHunters on July 08, 2012, 10:11:39 pm YOU PRETTY MUCH HAVE AN ATTITUDE IN 90% OF YOUR POST!
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 10:12:05 pm Randy, once again.....panties are in a bunch......im not even wearin any hahaha........i see how that may have been taken wrong but the only reason i added it was due to the fact that i origionally posted nothing more than my opinion on the subject and sensed some hostility/sarcasm from his post........my bad, no harm no foul. Not tryin to start a fight, my fault.
Id add some of them dang smily things but i dont have any on my phone lol "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: JRyanS on July 08, 2012, 10:22:05 pm I gotcha....... ;D :D ;)
Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: justincorbell on July 08, 2012, 10:24:51 pm Preciate ya jryans lol
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: TimmsHogDogs on July 10, 2012, 09:10:32 pm The reason people raise the prices for a trial is because trials are a pain in the a**, true story I took a guy out with a dog I was selling and he hunted dang good but when the guy took him home for some reason it changed the dog wouldn't hunt for him. Now in this situation he didnt have a trial but I bought the dog back a week later because I knew what the dog could do and wasn't gonna let the dogsn talent be wasted.
The Timms Family Crazy Dog Kennels Title: Re: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: TimmsHogDogs on July 10, 2012, 09:12:22 pm Sorry my sin hit my phone lol I have never sold a dog on trial but I will always offer to buy the dog back within a reasonable amount of time if the person has a problem. And the dog has to be in the same condition it left in
The Timms Family Crazy Dog Kennels Title: Re: Was it ever established......... Post by: SwampHunter on July 10, 2012, 09:21:42 pm i know the trails can be a pain , but say i want $600 for a dog i want $600 no matter if you wanna try it or not,
why would you sell a dog with out showing the buyer what it will do ? you know 90% of the people on here selling a dog wanna see a dog hunt before they buy it so why the double standard? what gets me is the people sellin dogs but then say i dont have time to show him hunt ha are you kidding me ok i can see for $200 or so but when you get over $300 an you dont wanna show the dog heres your sign it prolly wont hunt nothing but a food bowl i saw the best we to buy a dog is get the owner to go hunt with it , but not there spot an see what dog will do , i have heard of people turning hog out right where you gonna hunt right before yall meet up to hunt, |