HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on July 15, 2012, 04:09:58 pm

Title: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: Noah on July 15, 2012, 04:09:58 pm
... "woke" my daughter Fin up at 4am Sat morning(she was awake with her clothes already on hahaha  ;D).   Lee brought his cousin from GA with us for his first hog dog hunt, was a real perty summer morning to hunt.  Had some good rain lately, so the ranch has water all over... incredible how that fact affects the ability of our dogs to hunt through the heat... well outlasting our ability to do the same  :o ;D

     Pulled in the gate and put Shiner and Whaler on top the dog box as we eased into the property... wasn't a few minutes and Whaler winded and bailed off with Shine on his heels... rolled a lil' 100# sow up right quick and tied her up to work my Dogo pup later on that day.  While tying the sow up, dogs rolled off and split... heard Shine catch, then heard the Coyotes rally on her...  heard the fight, then only one yote barking... seemingly headed straight for us... very strange it was...

... suddenly saw Shine come out of the tree line, headed dead at us... looking over her shoulder the whole way... not a few yds behind her was a big male yote raising hell as he pursued her to within' 75yds of the truck... Lee's cousin grabbed my rifle and missed several times unfortunately... as the animal disappeared back into the swamp.

Shine got her face/neck chewed up perty good, but will be fine.

Kicked Sawfish and Spinner out and they trailed off right to the gator creek we try like hell to avoid lol...  rolleyes ... RIGHT AT the damn creek they bay up.... sh!t  :-\.     Hog breaks and across the creek they go... Garmin at this point says 2 dogs went in the creek, one came out... go to the point of the crossing and no sign of nothin'... spooky still...  Spinner goes on another mile before falling off and coming back... spent 2 hours looking for Sawfish and finally got a call from the rancher that he saw him runnin' roads lookin' for us thank God... good old Garmin... another reason all of my bay dogs wear an additional radio collar every time.

While we were lookin' for Sawfish, kicked Whaler back out and he caught two more sows real quick.  Nothing amazing, but was just perfect for Fin and Lee's cousin... She was so proud  ;D  She hollered at Whaler to come to her, he put his head down and walked right up to her... they starting to get the routine figgured out I think lol  ;D

Finner takin' a snack break whilst we hunt for the dogs...  :D

... so I am ready to bring the pain to the coyote population now... they have been getting worse every year, but this daylight attack has crossed the line for me.  I am interested in finding some men with yote dogs that would like to show me how it works... I think I would enjoy it if it means dead yotes at the end of the day...

... anybody got any references, call me, 386 937 3381

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: bob on July 15, 2012, 06:44:21 pm
good job noah , thats crazy about the coyotes , we also seem to have a over population here , Im glad your dogs ok , time to do some coyote hunting , good luck

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: DWEST on July 15, 2012, 07:03:24 pm
sounds  like a good hunt!  Anytime out with the youngens is good.  And them youngens have a way with dogs dont they...bout two years ago we was tryin to help catch up the beagles during deer season.  One just did not wanna get in the truck, and the ol' timer was ready to leave it in the woods for the night.  My oldest daughter (7 or 8 at the time) walked out in the pines and was able to catch that dang dog.

Hope you kill all them damn yotes you see!

Like the looks of that black and tan dog.  witch one is that?  what is he, fl cur?

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: joe on July 15, 2012, 08:23:10 pm
nice hunt noah

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: JRyanS on July 15, 2012, 08:28:24 pm
Noah, do you ever have a normal day of hunting or just a normal day in general for that matter  ;D
Go get a FoxPro, kinda pricey but gurenteed, at least in my experience anyways.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: firemedic on July 15, 2012, 08:32:22 pm
If the dog idea doesn't pan out.....I got an idea for you. If you can find a speaker with enough volume, replay one of your videos with the dogs baying and a hog squealing and sit back and watch the yotes show up for the 'party'......shoot a couple of them like this and the rest will hightail it next time they hear a dog baying a hog......coyotes around here seem to have a serious aversion to being shot at....... ;D

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: DSmith on July 15, 2012, 10:15:55 pm
I've had more yote encounters this year than all the other years combined.  Haven't had a dog hurt yet by one, but the yotes have come right up to within 30 yards of the atvs barking at us.  Ranch I hunt frowns upon my killing them, so I haven't, but they are awfully brazen this year.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: Lance on July 15, 2012, 10:33:21 pm
I've had more yote encounters this year than all the other years combined.  Haven't had a dog hurt yet by one, but the yotes have come right up to within 30 yards of the atvs barking at us.  Ranch I hunt frowns upon my killing them, so I haven't, but they are awfully brazen this year.

Man, I can't imagine a Ranch Manager that would frown on you killing coyotes ! With the toll they have on calves and fawns, that is crazy !

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: justincorbell on July 15, 2012, 10:40:39 pm
I've had more yote encounters this year than all the other years combined.  Haven't had a dog hurt yet by one, but the yotes have come right up to within 30 yards of the atvs barking at us.  Ranch I hunt frowns upon my killing them, so I haven't, but they are awfully brazen this year.

Man, I can't imagine a Ranch Manager that would frown on you killing coyotes ! With the toll they have on calves and fawns, that is crazy !

I was thinkin the exact same, unless they are farmin coyotes lol

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: North Cedar Creek Ranch on July 16, 2012, 12:35:10 am
Good hunt, glad the little one is tagging along, priceless.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: magnuml on July 16, 2012, 06:01:35 am
Good hunt. Glad to see you bring your Daughter. Mine like to go when she was young, now she is a teenager and does not have time! my son still loves it and can't wait til the next trip. 1 out of 2 aint bad. I do make her help dig holes when i kill one from the pen. lol.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: TShelly on July 16, 2012, 07:46:48 am
That's pretty crazy Noah! Are dogs will sometimes Trash on a yote from time to time, that's always funny to see one bust out with 4 or 5 cut dogs eating his a$$ up. Awesome how Whaler handles for Fin

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: TexasTransplant on July 16, 2012, 08:03:32 am
Shouldn't need yote dogs to find them, atleast on the farm I work on all you need to do is go out to shred and they will follow right behind the mower... alot different han where I lived in Iowa, people there hunt the chit out of them, you don't see yotes up there...

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: djhogdogger on July 16, 2012, 09:18:42 am

 I hope you get those coyotes. We havent had that happen to a dog yet but its always in the back of my mind because there are a lot of them where we hunt too. I hope Shine heals up quick. Im sure she will be a yote hater from now on.

 It wont be long and Fin will have taken over the pack and she will be taking ol dad on hunts.  ;D 

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: SCHitemHard on July 16, 2012, 10:25:57 am
i bet bucho was flamin mad you didnt let him catch that ol male. get you a good leggy pit and that yote problem will get fixed.

we had a big male come in and try to tear into the chicken pen. he was good at what he did so one night i took a recording of chickens and locked my pit juno in the chicken pen and well next day she was covered in yote fur. we figured he got away but never came back.  >:D

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: Noah on July 16, 2012, 06:00:23 pm
Noah, do you ever have a normal day of hunting or just a normal day in general for that matter  ;D

Hahahaha... normal bores me terribly, not sure if trouble finds me or I find trouble... but that's just the way I like it  ;D

DWEST, that's my Whaler dog out of Shiner... he is 7/8 FL cur x 1/8 English Pointer... real nice dog

Thanks everybody, I have been thinking about these yotes ever since... think I have a plan(add evil laugh hahahaha....)  ;D

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: WayOutWest on July 16, 2012, 07:13:18 pm
There is nuthin like the look on a coyotes face coming to a call when he figures out he has been had and the bullet is on the way.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: Noah on July 16, 2012, 07:52:15 pm
This forum needs a "like" button for damn sure!!!  Never tried to call one in before, I assume you want to set up down wind?  What else can you recommend?

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: WayOutWest on July 16, 2012, 09:46:08 pm
They have remote controlo predator calls and a battery powered unit that flops and looks a wounded rabbit. They work well in the somewhat open country where it can be seen. You need to be well camoed and try be downwind of where they will come in. The younger ones will come in hellbent but the older ones are wiser and you don't get another chane.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: koyote76 on July 16, 2012, 10:33:01 pm
This forum needs a "like" button for damn sure!!!  Never tried to call one in before, I assume you want to set up down wind?  What else can you recommend?

ive had the exact same problem you have. i have an old dog that would kill them when they would show up.
i used to trap them alot in leg hold traps, and sell them to foxpens. that was the best legal way to put a dent in them and make some money, but got tired of running a trap line.
the best calling i did for yotes was tie out a lil pig and strap a shock collar around its belly and shock it from a distance and shock it to make it squeal and shoot the yotes the ones that didnt get shot learned to be carefull of a bay or hog squeal.
the best way to kill them is highly illegal. pm for details.

Title: Re: Hunt 7.14.12... Coyotes done went an' messed with the wrong dog...
Post by: DSmith on July 16, 2012, 10:52:23 pm
I think it's crazy too, just like them giving the big lizards a free pass on life.   :-\  They believe the coyotes and lizards help control the hog numbers, therefore, no can shoot 'em.

I don't have to like the rules, just have to live by them.  So I don't shoot the yotes and we avoid the lizards as best as we can.  Places to run dogs are few and far between, so I don't question the rules too much.   8)