HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 09:49:06 am

Title: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 09:49:06 am
Do I need a hunting license for hunting with my dogs? Just catching hogs to sell to a holding facility.

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: H.Wilson on July 24, 2012, 09:53:53 am
Yes I'm pretty sure you do cause its hunting so a hunting licsense would be required

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 10:08:29 am
Dang well hopefully I can get one. I'm on probation and can't have a gun. I wasn't sure if I could get one, considering most hunting is done using guns

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: leifbarnes on July 24, 2012, 10:09:21 am
What about bow hunting?  Its not done with a gun.... ;D

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: pltx ken on July 24, 2012, 10:17:07 am
I know guy on parole that just bought combo package.

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 10:43:39 am
Forgot to mention I can't have weapons either. It was a non-violent offense and didn't even have a weapon on me during the incident. It's stupid that I can't have any weapons. Thanks for the help guys.

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 10:45:55 am
I know guy on parole that just bought combo package.

Does your friends parole state that he can't possess a firearm or weapon?

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: halfbreed on July 24, 2012, 11:20:06 am
you can buy the license unless you are behind on child support . you are actualy not supposed to even be around firearms for five years after finishing parole . it is legal in texas for a felon to hunt with primative weapons  I.E. a black powder rifle [ pre 1865 or close to it ] the modern muzzle loaders do not apply you can bow hunt with a bow [ no crossbows ] . if you want to hunt without a license hogs yotes ect. you do not have to have a license if you are doing depredation work with a letter from the land owner BUT you are supposed to let the animals rot in the field . the best bet is to buy a license and catch and tie . just go to wallywood and buy a license .

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 12:52:40 pm
you can buy the license unless you are behind on child support . you are actualy not supposed to even be around firearms for five years after finishing parole . it is legal in texas for a felon to hunt with primative weapons  I.E. a black powder rifle [ pre 1865 or close to it ] the modern muzzle loaders do not apply you can bow hunt with a bow [ no crossbows ] . if you want to hunt without a license hogs yotes ect. you do not have to have a license if you are doing depredation work with a letter from the land owner BUT you are supposed to let the animals rot in the field . the best bet is to buy a license and catch and tie . just go to wallywood and buy a license .

Thank you. You made it pretty clear on what the deal is and yeah I'll only be using my dogs and a rope. Hopefully they don't consider dogs or a rope a weapon haha

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: halfbreed on July 24, 2012, 01:54:51 pm
yes sir i kmow a little bout that law and how stupid most of them are . i whooped a theiving ars methhead and i became a felon did a little time on account . coulda got it ajudecated or whatever but i have a problem with authority lol ..i went to the bighouse on a principal and i would do it all over again and again and again . damn criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens . long story short you steal from me i am not responsible for my actions  lol

Title: Re: License for trapping with dogs
Post by: dangedhogs on July 24, 2012, 02:07:55 pm
yes sir i kmow a little bout that law and how stupid most of them are . i whooped a theiving ars methhead and i became a felon did a little time on account . coulda got it ajudecated or whatever but i have a problem with authority lol ..i went to the bighouse on a principal and i would do it all over again and again and again . damn criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens . long story short you steal from me i am not responsible for my actions  lol
Haha I'd do the same man. I wish I would've caught the meth heads that stole my feeder battery and solar panel awhile back