Title: Did you know? Post by: Txmason on July 25, 2012, 12:11:14 pm videos concerning the UN Arms Treaty that our so called President and Hillary Clinton will sign this Friday. This is really scary. I know a lot of you believe in gun control, I am not one of you, however this is not Gun Control. This treaty is an all out violation of our 2nd Amendment and our US Constitution. If we lose this right, do you really think the criminals, other countries, drug lords, and other nations will abide by this and not come in and take over our country? Do you not want the right to protect your family, your property, yourself from those who have no concern for life itself? Please contact Congress and House of Representatives and strongly urge them to stop this signing. Our country and our rights, as well as our lives are at stake. Also a Bill was passed in April that gives the IRS the right to take your guns. Search UN Treaty to be signed on July 27, 2012 and you will find links to all the information that the media is not talking about.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: sterling on July 25, 2012, 12:33:33 pm Did they come to a consensus on the negotiations? It's my understanding that every UN member has to agree to the treaty before it can be signed. Even if it does get a consensus and gets signed it still has to be ratified by the US Senate and right now I don't believe the liberals have the votes they need. Not only should you go ahead contact your Senator about voting against this treaty, but this is another example of why everyone needs to get out and vote this November. Hopefully, this won't move past the UN negotiations, but this should be a wake up call to all responsible gun owners to get politically active because these libs are getting closer and closer to putting an end to our Second Amendment rights.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: rdjustham on July 25, 2012, 05:42:37 pm Heres my question to this. IF and I say IF guns are outlawed and IF your state registers guns (mine doesnt) who in the heck is gonna come collect them????? I know ALOT and I mean ALOT of cops and NONE of them want that job. Just somethin to think about.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: charles on July 25, 2012, 06:32:11 pm they have my guns, bullets first and the whole thing once im dead. i hope they have a good supply of body bags.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: dwhd93 on July 25, 2012, 06:56:26 pm they have my guns, bullets first and the whole thing once im dead. i hope they have a good supply of body bags. X100000000000000000Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Reuben on July 25, 2012, 07:09:41 pm gun control is about right with the laws we have now...I am PRO GUN all the way...
it is not the guns that kill people...it is the people behind the guns... lots more people die from motorized vehicle accidents but we are not banning them... Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: RL on July 25, 2012, 07:16:25 pm Gun control would work ... if we could only upgrade our criminal population to the type that complies with laws.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: charles on July 25, 2012, 07:42:12 pm gun control means hitting your target accurately and safely, not ensuring the criminals obide by the law and upgrading the criminal statutes. controlling the guns by removing them from the people aint control, its against the constitution and suicide for those task to remove the guns from the people.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Noah on July 25, 2012, 08:12:06 pm they have my guns, bullets first and the whole thing once im dead. i hope they have a good supply of body bags. You ain't jokin' brother, I pitty the fool Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: bob on July 25, 2012, 08:29:22 pm I think this would cause a war in our own country , and I agree better have alot of body bags , Im a honest man , I go to work every day and abide by the law , very responsible , but if they came up my drive to take my guns I would not be the same man any more , and just to think on that for a minute , my family ect. would suffer dearly , but that chit aint happening
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: TexasHogDogs on July 25, 2012, 08:46:56 pm People better wake up if this hole in the butt gets another term this country is gonna be done stick a fork in the good ole USA its over ! I cannot understand for the life of me what people see in this man . Name one thing he has done other than nail bin laden and that plan was already in place and working during the Bush era other than that he has done noting but flat screw this country up and it is a hell of a lot weaker than it was when he got elected .
Wake up USA are there is liable not to be no more USA ! Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Eric on July 25, 2012, 08:47:15 pm Here you go... ;)... not saying don't be alarmed but know what is really going on.
http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: TexasCornBread on July 25, 2012, 09:04:36 pm So I'm not sure what's going on but from what I read is there trying to take all firearms away from us . Do y'all think this will pass .. ??
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: charles on July 25, 2012, 09:18:48 pm So I'm not sure what's going on but from what I read is there trying to take all firearms away from us . Do y'all think this will pass .. ?? if it passes, u better find your local ammunition supply store and buy/steal what you can ASAP and be ready to defend your rights no matter the cost, but be prepaired that the cost will be your life. an old saying, "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH". Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Reuben on July 25, 2012, 09:20:37 pm I think this would cause a war in our own country , and I agree better have alot of body bags , Im a honest man , I go to work every day and abide by the law , very responsible , but if they came up my drive to take my guns I would not be the same man any more , and just to think on that for a minute , my family ect. would suffer dearly , but that chit aint happening I AGREE... BUT UNITED WILL BE HOW IT WILL GET DONE...I FEEL THE SAME WAY... Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: RyanTBH on July 26, 2012, 08:35:07 am Here you go... ;)... not saying don't be alarmed but know what is really going on. Thanks for that... and I hope that this is spot on! http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp But even if they did come to take my guns, I don't know what they're talking about... I've never owned any guns... ;D >:D As I sweep the dirt off the floors that I tracked in from digging a couple holes. ;) :o Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Eric on July 26, 2012, 08:45:08 am It won't happen in one swipe like this is. They will start by banning high capacity mags, assault rifles, then move to handguns, lastly go at ammo and the legal guns to make them so expensive the average person can not afford them. It will be a gradual deal with justification all along the way like disasters, shootings, ect.
No one will knock on your door and say give me your guns. Even they are not that stupid. Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: RyanTBH on July 26, 2012, 08:46:45 am It won't happen in one swipe like this is. They will start by banning high capacity mags, assault rifles, then move to handguns, lastly go at ammo and the legal guns to make them so expensive the average person can not afford them. It will be a gradual deal with justification all along the way like disasters, shootings, ect. Well lets just hope not... Now I guess it's time to stock pile ammo cause I have all the guns that I need! LMAO! 8)No one will knock on your door and say give me your guns. Even they are not that stupid. Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: Eric on July 26, 2012, 12:00:52 pm Ya.... I got an order ready alao. My brother bought a kick a little AK that you can fold up and fit in a tennis racket case. That, a Saiga shotgun, and some ammo.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: dangedhogs on July 26, 2012, 04:07:40 pm It won't happen in one swipe like this is. They will start by banning high capacity mags, assault rifles, then move to handguns, lastly go at ammo and the legal guns to make them so expensive the average person can not afford them. It will be a gradual deal with justification all along the way like disasters, shootings, ect. I think you're right about that man. It'll be just how California is doing. All guns must only have a 10 round mag. Assault rifles bought in California have the mag welded to the magwell. I think they will make ammo illegal before the make guns altogether illegal tho or like you said super high priced. Ammo has already gone up a considerable amount in the past 4 years! (hints: obama)No one will knock on your door and say give me your guns. Even they are not that stupid. Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: SCHitemHard on July 26, 2012, 05:06:27 pm startin to get alil wild west here. have a decal on my truck that says "if your comin to take mine, better know how to use yours" and has a 9mm under it. :-* >:D
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: charles on July 30, 2012, 02:03:27 pm I emailed both sen cornyn and hutchison and got a reply back from hutchison. It reads as foolows
Dear Friend: Thank you for contacting me regarding the United Nations Small Arms Treaty. I agree strongly with your view, and welcome your thoughts and comments. I support Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) in his efforts to prevent any taxpayer funds from being expended in support of negotiation of this United Nations treaty. This year, I again joined many of my Senate colleagues in a letter to the President that expresses our strong opposition to the U.S. even being a party to negotiations about this treaty. As you may know, the U.S. Constitution requires that foreign treaties must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the U.S. Senate. My term in the Senate is over at the end of December, but it is difficult to foresee the necessary two-thirds support in the Senate for the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, even if the Obama Administration or a new president elects to present the treaty for ratification. I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to contact me on any issue that is important to you. Sincerely, Kay Bailey Hutchison United States Senator I hope she is speaking the truth with her reply and not just saying what i want to hear. I did call on her and cornyn once before for a military matter and with in a wk, the issue was resolved, but cornyn never replied back. Sen hutchison took the issue up to the top at DA (dept of the army). Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: rdjustham on August 05, 2012, 03:22:11 pm Who is physically going to collect them? Thats all im saying. Do you really think i or any of my coworkers are goin to knock on the door and say give Me your guns????? Its like askin to get shot.
Title: Re: Did you know? Post by: SCHitemHard on August 05, 2012, 05:38:26 pm Who is physically going to collect them? Thats all im saying. Do you really think i or any of my coworkers are goin to knock on the door and say give Me your guns????? Its like askin to get shot. good point ryan, do you think they will take them by force? as a personal question would you want to be the one to storm someones house to take them? Title: Re: Re: Re: Did you know? Post by: J.Prince on August 05, 2012, 09:32:22 pm Who is physically going to collect them? Thats all im saying. Do you really think i or any of my coworkers are goin to knock on the door and say give Me your guns????? Its like askin to get shot. good point ryan, do you think they will take them by force? as a personal question would you want to be the one to storm someones house to take them? I think Eric is right. They won't ever come "take" our weapons. But through "completely justifiable" price increases, and slow and steady regulation increases, they will manage to take away our guns. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk Title: Re: Re: Re: Did you know? Post by: SCHitemHard on August 05, 2012, 09:39:56 pm Who is physically going to collect them? Thats all im saying. Do you really think i or any of my coworkers are goin to knock on the door and say give Me your guns????? Its like askin to get shot. good point ryan, do you think they will take them by force? as a personal question would you want to be the one to storm someones house to take them? I think Eric is right. They won't ever come "take" our weapons. But through "completely justifiable" price increases, and slow and steady regulation increases, they will manage to take away our guns. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk man if they completly take away our guns ill just become a outlaw Title: Re: Re: Did you know? Post by: J.Prince on August 05, 2012, 10:04:01 pm Just buy what you want now, and stockpile ammo and you should be good for a while at least. In the mean time we all need yo make sure to cast the right votes, and stay on top of things. That's how all the anti's and othere
Title: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you know? Post by: J.Prince on August 05, 2012, 10:05:58 pm Just buy what you want now, and stockpile ammo and you should be good for a while at least. In the mean time we all need yo make sure to cast the right votes, and stay on top of things. That's how all the anti's and others stay ahead of everyone else. The hunter's and other people like us trying to fight these guys usually don't become aware of their plans against us until it's nearly to late. Sorry hit send to early the first time. |