HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: shawn on May 07, 2009, 10:41:32 pm

Title: Kinda Goofy, a pot bellied pig
Post by: shawn on May 07, 2009, 10:41:32 pm
Ok, someone in my neighborhood has/had aabout a 60lb potbelly pig and it has either gotten out for good, or has him a sweet spot in their fence and they dont know he likes to roam, I'm not sure which one it is. Well he likes to roam and roam (I saw him at least 2 miles from here today) and it seems the past couple weeks he LOVES coming down our street, my male and female american bulldogs are inside/out dogs that stay in the front yard during the day.... :o

About 4 or 5 times I've heard an ERUPTION of barking in the front yard, I go outside and EVERY time there is the potbellied pig wagging his tail either teasing or wanting to play with the dogs (apparently he grew up with a dog) I've ran him off to keep my dogs from busting threw the fence and the eventual massacre, I'm kinda worried what's gonna happen when I'm not home and this happens, usually the dogs stay in the house when we're at work but if its for a long period of time I leave them out.  Plus he will go in my neighbors yard and tease the bay dogs in their kennels in the back... ;D  I know what I need to do, call animal control or find out who the owner is.

It is kind of funny though, yesterday it was in a overgrown lawn down the street from my house and I tried to go see if I could catch him but I spooked him and he took off.

That's why I asked the other day about some of yall that have pet pigs, wild, domestic, potbelly, whatever.. How do you train hunting dogs from killin em? lol

Title: Re: Kinda Goofy, a pot bellied pig
Post by: slimpickins on May 08, 2009, 08:25:17 am
We lucked out with Wilbur, our potlickiers do not know what a hog is. ;D

They have kennels and he has a pen, and there is plenty of room in between them (Wilbur is away from the kennels).
I know some people that would have no chance of making it work, and have to get rid of the hog, but in my setup, so far (fingers crossed), all is good.

Title: Re: Kinda Goofy, a pot bellied pig
Post by: shawn on May 08, 2009, 10:28:51 am
lol, I've seen videos of hunting dogs playing with a pet wild pig at the house. I just don't see how I could ever accomplish that, lol

Title: Re: Kinda Goofy, a pot bellied pig
Post by: hoghunterswife on May 08, 2009, 02:21:39 pm
i have a wild pig (pet) in my house right now shes little but if she were to get out or one of our dogs came in we wouldn't be able to save the little pig. i dont see how a huntin dog could know the diffrence and just play with a pet pig. we even had to take our 2 pups back outside so they wouldn't think that pigs are their friends and try to play with a pig in the woods.