HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hansonw on August 06, 2012, 08:13:14 am

Title: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 06, 2012, 08:13:14 am
Do any of yall preferred a docked tail. I have had some natural bobtailed curs but i have never docked a tail. Which way do you prefer to do it with a band or scissors?

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: PLP on August 06, 2012, 08:18:42 am
I prefer locking hemostats. At 3-4 days old. Actually talked to my vet for this last litter and he's gonna do all 6 for around 80 bucks.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Dirtydog on August 06, 2012, 08:35:46 am
Very simple to do yourself...

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: PLP on August 06, 2012, 08:47:22 am
Get the dew claws while ur doing it. Also very simple.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Arkansas Frog on August 06, 2012, 08:47:22 am
on the second day of birth take a vice grips, clamp where you want the tail to be, take right hand and twist tail 3/4 turn tail will come off,can't wait pass second day because blood will enter the tail,but got to do it in the first or second day..lots people take nail clips and clip off dew claws the first or second day.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: PLP on August 06, 2012, 08:53:52 am
Sent u a pm

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: charles on August 06, 2012, 09:53:42 am
I used castration bands and put them on their tails at 3 days old n with in a week, the tails would fall off. I cant stand to cause undo harm n the bands are painless n they yap or cry when they are put on.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on August 06, 2012, 01:13:40 pm
Wire nippers are great for dew claws...
a cutting board and a sharp knife for the tails...one stroke and it is cut off. Also need to cauterize the tail to stop the

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on August 06, 2012, 01:52:32 pm
I prefer a long tail that I dock myself...a pup born with a 1/4 to 1/2 tail ok...too short of a natural bob tail I don't like for several reasons...the main reason is that at some point in time the pups can and will be born with spinal bifida if these dogs are continually getting bred to one another...     

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 06, 2012, 06:04:23 pm
I used castration bands and put them on their tails at 3 days old n with in a week, the tails would fall off. I cant stand to cause undo harm n the bands are painless n they yap or cry when they are put on.

I'm a little confused

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: charles on August 06, 2012, 06:46:00 pm
I used castration bands and put them on their tails at 3 days old n with in a week, the tails would fall off. I cant stand to cause undo harm n the bands are painless n they yap or cry when they are put on.

I'm a little confused

whats confusing ??? the bands are painless n they yap or cry when they are put on. i ment they dont yap or cry. i hop this fixes the confusion, if not then im not sure whats confusing.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 07, 2012, 12:36:58 am
Yeah I guess that confused me bc yousaid they were painless but they yap and cry sorry I just wasn't sure if you were saying you did or didn't like bands bc that's Probaly they way I was going to do it bc I have two litters about to hit the ground some will be natural bones and some will not

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: sanman on August 07, 2012, 08:00:45 am
Got a question for y'all on natural bob tails. I was given a dog with no tail. When she gets excited, you can see about one joint wiggling under the skin. I asked him if she was born that way, and he told me no. Said there was seven pups born and they all had tails. He was home for 3 days and went to work for 7. When he came back, her tail had fallen off that short. All the rest still have tails. Is that normal for a natural bob to do that, or did something happen and it caused it to fall off? Never dealt with that before, so just curious.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on August 07, 2012, 08:19:25 am
Sandman...I never heard of it much less seen it...I have dealt with quite a few bob tailed pups and never had a tail fall off on a pup...seems to me he should of noticed a severe birth defect if the tail fell off after a week...usually a pup that is born with a short short tail will be taller in the back end...

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 07, 2012, 09:06:21 am
Well she just had a good litter 9 and she might have another left in her
Any advice on when I should dock if I cut or when I should band?

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on August 07, 2012, 09:26:58 am
I would dock between 3 and 7 days...nervous system is not developed yet...length is your preference..
I like to dock down to about midway down the nut sack...just have to use your imagination ...that would be about a five inch tail...

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: sanman on August 07, 2012, 09:58:21 am
Thanks Reuben.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 07, 2012, 10:06:15 am

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: hansonw on August 07, 2012, 10:09:06 am
I just can't believe all but two are yella. Was hoping to have some other color lol

Title: Re: Re: Re: Tail docking
Post by: sfboarbuster on August 07, 2012, 11:56:29 am
Got a question for y'all on natural bob tails. I was given a dog with no tail. When she gets excited, you can see about one joint wiggling under the skin. I asked him if she was born that way, and he told me no. Said there was seven pups born and they all had tails. He was home for 3 days and went to work for 7. When he came back, her tail had fallen off that short. All the rest still have tails. Is that normal for a natural bob to do that, or did something happen and it caused it to fall off? Never dealt with that before, so just curious.

I had that happen with a pup on time, but he was around a month old when it happened. Went from a fill tail to about 6 inches

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Bighat00 on August 11, 2012, 02:11:30 am
Use a hot wedge with in the first week. Or band them.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: rdjustham on August 11, 2012, 07:33:05 am
i used wire dykes at about three days old.  Couple drops of blood but momma will keep them clean.  Yelped more when i took them from momma than when the tails were docked.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: quickfire on January 14, 2013, 09:22:12 am
I personally use a straight edge hemostat clamp on the tail. I clamp down where I want to cut and twist three times and then I slice with straight razor. I've done hundreds of tails this way never had one bleed out and I've never used septic just dip in white flour and gie back to momma.

Dew Claws Get the smallest pair of curved hemostats you can get clamp down under the dew claw knuckle will pop out flick it with your thumb and it will fall off or you can slice with razor. I personally just flick it off.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: halfbreed on January 14, 2013, 10:03:02 am
  proper way is to cut diagonaly inward on each side of skin and give the tail a twist and then pull and you will pull the nerve out . then you can suture or glue the tip  . done a many assist  with my old vet , funny to bring this back up today i'm fixing to do eight pups born saturday . some of my treeing curs 1/2 plott 1/4 walker 1/4 catahoula  . just enough cur dog to give um some sense  lol .

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Shotgun wg on January 14, 2013, 11:07:32 am
I have a question on this matter. What is the purpose of docking these dogs tails. I have never understood this practice. I do have one dog with a stub tail but it was that way when I got him.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: halfbreed on January 14, 2013, 12:27:02 pm
  beats me shotgun , i guess in the treeing cur dept it is a result of the mnt cur influence , some of the crosses with mnt cur and hound will come natural bob tail . and in order to get rid of the treeing cur pups you don't need the cur hunters want them bob tailed and will pass on a good bred dog with a long tail lol . so to make evrybody happy i am going to dock this litter . it will be the first time i have actually done it with dogs of my own , i have allways been in the frame of mind that if they are born with um they kep um . but gotta change with the seasons or get left behind  lol

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Shotgun wg on January 14, 2013, 12:29:29 pm
Kinda the way I figure. They were put there by genetics for some reason.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: uglydog on January 15, 2013, 01:40:57 pm
the jagd terrier are docked . leaving 2/3 of tail on. the reaon being to have a "handle"
the earlier they are done the less bleeding, mom licks and keeps clean and no infection 2-3 days is way to go.

bob tail genetic info - http://www.bconnex.net/~langevin/html/bobtail_info.html

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: halfbreed on January 15, 2013, 02:05:47 pm
  i read an interesting fact a while back on the subject , the practice was brought over from the english and it was a tax issue in that country . people were charged a tax on their  [pets ] but not on stock or working dogs . the working dogs tails were docked to remove them from being taxable , and gave the government a way of identifying a working dog from a pet . later it just became pretty much a breed standard to everybody .

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: charles on January 15, 2013, 02:07:55 pm
I have a question on this matter. What is the purpose of docking these dogs tails. I have never understood this practice. I do have one dog with a stub tail but it was that way when I got him.
Me personaly, i dont like tails anymore. I cant stand the things thumpn in the dog box or hitn me in the bad knee when they get excited. Its just a personal prefrence with tail docking

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Shotgun wg on January 15, 2013, 02:16:15 pm
I read ur info and have no issue with a natural bob tail. Don't really have an issue with a docked tail. I guess my question is why dock the tail. Is it soley for the look.

I will disagree with the boxer genetic thing. A boxer breed with a corgi a few generations later that still carries the corgi trait is not full blood boxer.

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Reuben on January 15, 2013, 06:08:18 pm
Wire nippers are great for dew claws...
a cutting board and a sharp knife for the tails...one stroke and it is cut off. Also need to cauterize the tail to stop the

been doing it this way for almost 40 years and have never had a problem...best time to dock is between 3 and 7 days because the nervous system is not as sensitive at that age...cauterize the pups tail if it bleeds...

Title: Re: Tail docking
Post by: Dirtydog on January 15, 2013, 06:21:38 pm
I personally use a straight edge hemostat clamp on the tail. I clamp down where I want to cut and twist three times and then I slice with straight razor. I've done hundreds of tails this way never had one bleed out and I've never used septic just dip in white flour and gie back to momma.

Dew Claws Get the smallest pair of curved hemostats you can get clamp down under the dew claw knuckle will pop out flick it with your thumb and it will fall off or you can slice with razor. I personally just flick it off.

this is what I do with my jagds...