Title: The new Indian. Post by: Lance on August 08, 2012, 09:37:35 pm I've been in a contemplating mood lately and maybe I'm just ranting but I feel that there is reason for my thoughts. I'm watching Geronimo, the one with Robert Duvall in it and I can't help but notice a simularity between the conservative American citizen and the Native American tribes. The Politicians, Democrat and Republican but mainly the far left Democrats and their politicians keep taking our rights one small piece at a time. They make promises and then they break them. They just keep pushing us just like they did the tribes 120 years ago. I feel like there is nothing they would love to do more than put us on a reservation and forget about us. They turned the warriors and hunters into farmers but did'nt give them fertile enough land to be self supportive farmers which left them dependent on the Govt. to survive and that is the same thing they are trying to do to us. Maybe I'm way off base or maybe it's the beer talking but I deffenitely see a resembelance. Either way it might be a good idea to sharpen up the old scalping knife and keep the coup stick close to hand ! Thanks for listening to my rant.
Title: Re: The new Indian. Post by: charles on August 09, 2012, 07:10:46 am Lance, your observation is correct. They stole land from the natives, raped them and their land and then told them to just sit back and a take it. I would assume our gov is a revolving door of " i could care less for other unless they help obtain n maintain power"