Title: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 13, 2012, 10:16:28 pm i am going thru all my stuff getting ready to do some calling and yote killin . and iwas surfing thru some predator sights . the question is just what qualify's a man to be calling hisself a MASTER PREDATOR HUNTER i see this all the time and was curious . is there a written test lol or what . allways wanted to know but never asked . if it's just a numbers thing who keeps up with it and keeps it honest . or is it kinda like the old [ i'm the worlds greatest blah blah blah ] cause i know i've killed more yotes and b-cats and feral canines than i can remember lol am I a master predator hunter as well and don't know it ??? i would really like to know what this is all about .
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: dub on August 13, 2012, 10:38:37 pm Sounds like smoke to me. I am a master of masters because I said so rolleyes
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: justincorbell on August 13, 2012, 11:11:42 pm Sounds like smoke to me. I am a master of masters because I said so rolleyes Agree 100%! Halfbreed, if you know half as much about coyote hunting as you seem to know about hog huntin then i reckon you are a "master" as well. I enjoy reading your posts and feel that you are pretty well versed when it comes to hog huntin and raisin good dogs! "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 13, 2012, 11:36:22 pm yeah i've killed my share of critters . we used to run beagles in the trinity river bottoms on them big ol swamp rabbits and the yotes was our mortal enemy . not only would they knock the rabbit numbers down , but would put you out of the beagle game if they got the chance . we kept the yote numbers in check . i had en kill a couple catahoula pups on the farm and i set out to wipe them out in ellis county . but they are thicker than theives here around the house and nobody seems to care . hell with all these dogs they still come right in the yard trying to get my chickens , it's time to thin em out lol . my ol critter gitter catahoula gyp used to keep em run off , but she's gotten so old and gone deaf . i went out the other night when the dogs was raiseing hell and i had to wake her up and tell her to go to work lol . but i worry about her running after them now . when she was young she was hell on wheels . i cant turn the old walker dog loose to run em here like i did at the farm . gonna have to polish off the old calls and have a little fun i guess . i'm kinda sceared to call by myself anymore after the great coon incident a few years ago lol but that's another story. but i've just allways wondered about them master hunters didn't wanna ask one of them and hurt their feelings with questions .
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: PLP on August 14, 2012, 01:36:46 am Halfbreed- by the powers vested in me as a duly licensed Louisiana master doe slayer, ex boyfriend of a law student,and frequent participant in yote drive by shootings,......we hereby pronounce you MASTER PREDATOR CONTROL RESOURCE OFFICER of ETHD. Congratulations my friend. ;)
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: justincorbell on August 14, 2012, 03:23:35 am Halfbreed- by the powers vested in me as a duly licensed Louisiana master doe slayer, ex boyfriend of a law student,and frequent participant in yote drive by shootings,......we hereby pronounce you MASTER PREDATOR CONTROL RESOURCE OFFICER of ETHD. Congratulations my friend. ;) Well there you have it......its on the internet........must be true! "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: co on August 14, 2012, 06:36:11 am I wanna hear about this crazy coon story.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: reatj81 on August 14, 2012, 08:26:02 am I wanna hear about this crazy coon story. X 2Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 14, 2012, 10:46:23 am thank's justin is that and approved international title or only good in louisiana lol
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 14, 2012, 10:49:45 am i did ask this question on the predator callin site , and i will update you when i get a reply if they don't get upset and bar me lol and when i get more time i will tell the story of the great coon incident of 2005 . i'm surprised you haven't heard about it .
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: jimco on August 14, 2012, 11:03:50 am am I a master predator hunter as well and don't know it ??? That would suck halfbreed to go through life being a Master Predator Hunter such as yourself and not even know it. ;D Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: jimco on August 14, 2012, 11:14:42 am halfbreed, I posted this pic a few days ago, but does this make him an Apprentice Predator Hunter working on becoming a Master ?
(http://) (http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z349/eelcat1/Toby.jpg) Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: PLP on August 14, 2012, 11:59:19 am By the powers vested in me by the afore mentioned credentials we hereby grant your nephew full apprenticeship privileges ;D congratulations.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: bigo on August 14, 2012, 12:03:08 pm I had to go to school one time to learn asbestos abatement and when I finished, I was a master abater.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: dub on August 14, 2012, 12:09:28 pm You need an extra gun to get them yotes just let me know.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: justincorbell on August 14, 2012, 12:24:37 pm I had to go to school one time to learn asbestos abatement and when I finished, I was a master abater. .......it see what you did there!!! "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: justincorbell on August 14, 2012, 12:24:54 pm I*
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: Easttex91 on August 14, 2012, 12:27:09 pm I had to go to school one time to learn asbestos abatement and when I finished, I was a master abater. My grandpa made fishing baits for years guess that makes him a master baiter too Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: jimco on August 14, 2012, 01:23:31 pm I had to go to school one time to learn asbestos abatement and when I finished, I was a master abater. My grandpa made fishing baits for years guess that makes him a master baiter too Y'all are very sick, I mean slick, with them play on words ;D Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 14, 2012, 01:31:44 pm ha ha yeah they is hillariuose ain't they . na but i have just been curiouse about this for years . you know when they have them huntin shows at bass pro and gander mnt. and stuff they advertise about seminars and guest speakers who are master turkey callers and master predator hunters blah blah blah no disrespect to them but how did they get these titles ?? documented kills thru an organization or what . aquireing minds want to know lol
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: Swine-Stalker on August 14, 2012, 01:53:56 pm Every time I get in an arguement with my wife I give up for fear of losing... She is a master debater
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: Swine-Stalker on August 14, 2012, 01:57:06 pm I think it may be like before mentioned... A "i hereby dub myself" sort of thing. They have to make their label the size of their ego.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: dub on August 14, 2012, 02:07:36 pm Do you want to go listen to a hunter talk or a master hunter talk? I guess you are a master whatever when you get people to pay you to do it or listen to you talk about it.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: M Bennet on August 14, 2012, 02:55:58 pm ask some body on the - texas hunting forum .com . that site is full of varmint hunters.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 14, 2012, 03:01:12 pm ha ah yeah but i try to stay away from sites where the majority of folks on it would rather shoot a huntin dog than feed one lol .
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: MAV on August 14, 2012, 03:22:49 pm robert just order you a dozen snares they are cheap.
russell took una hunting saturday hunted her pads off. good thing she is not catchy cause the other dogs ended up catching in a lime pond come out with glazed over eyes. Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: firemedic on August 14, 2012, 03:37:22 pm Halfbreed,....I too have often wondered about the aforementioned 'Master' status that seems to wind up on some of these TV and internet folks. I have come to a conclusion.....if you'll notice....that status seems to be 'self-proclaimed' almost every time. So......I would presume that you may also proclaim yourself to be a 'master' yote hunter.....that is if you so desire.
Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: halfbreed on August 14, 2012, 05:20:42 pm hell i've allways been a jack of all trades and master of none lol so i am sure i'll stay a jack of a predator hunter lol unless the situation arises that i have to elevate myself on up to master status to meet the needs of the public lol
dang mark where the hell was russel huntin at a construction site ?? he told me he didn't need any dogs that he was just gonna hunt yours lol i hope the other dogs are ok . hell i can't hardley even type today my shoulder been bothering me a couple of days and i can't use my left arm now . nothing to worry about probabley just a stroke or something lol got a doctor appointment tommorrow at 12.30 anyway gonna get em to look at it . of course the v.a. will just up the dosage on my dope most likely lol . Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: Reuben on August 14, 2012, 09:32:18 pm halfbreed, I posted this pic a few days ago, but does this make him an Apprentice Predator Hunter working on becoming a Master ? (http://) (http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z349/eelcat1/Toby.jpg) the kid is multi-tasking...with the white rubber boots on I can see he is in the shrimping Apprenticeship program too... 8) :) Title: Re: got a question ??? Post by: Dirtydog on August 14, 2012, 09:55:31 pm I believe they have calling contest and you would get the title by winning... BUT I AM NO WAY A PREDATOR HUNTER !
I have seen some contest on tv back when I could afford cable. Lol |