Title: male and female black mouth cur/pit mix- Hawkins, TX Post by: Laura on August 15, 2012, 10:45:58 am I don't hunt, but have rescued two young dogs (probably about 2 years old) in good health and need to get them to a new owner very soon! The male is neutered and I think the female is spayed. I found out yesterday from a rescue organization that these are black mouth curs... I think may have some pit, too. I live near Hawkins, Texas. Please call immediately. Laura (903)769-9448.
Title: Re: male and female black mouth cur/pit mix- Hawkins, TX Post by: Mike on August 15, 2012, 10:55:40 am Laura, I got your voice mail earlier. I'm down near Houston and wouldn't be able to help you out. Maybe someone on here is near you and can take them off your hands.