HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: M Bennet on August 15, 2012, 10:49:19 pm

Title: reverse ? lol
Post by: M Bennet on August 15, 2012, 10:49:19 pm
if you put a feeder up how the hell do you keep the deer out and the hogs in?  we dont care about deer hunting to much . need some deer/hog hunters ideas on what type of a fence or pen . never seen any body ask this? its always the other way around

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: captainstiffhog on August 15, 2012, 10:58:29 pm
I wish I knew how. Ive mixed diesel with corn before but I dont think it would go good in a feeder.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 15, 2012, 11:04:03 pm
Make a pen with tposts And hang 6'hog panel about 16" above the ground. The deer could possibly jump it, but they won't. If they prove me wrong, put shade cloth on it, they won't jump over if they can't see where they'll land.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: chestonmcdowell on August 15, 2012, 11:33:42 pm
Where are u located man I might could beable to help u with your deer problem ;D

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: justincorbell on August 16, 2012, 12:41:45 am
Mr. Bennet, i would drive tposts in the ground and gets some utility panel and raise it 16-18" off the ground like t-bob said, itll give the hogs plenty of room to go under but the deer shouldn't, im sure a few smaller does/fawns will but it outta slow em down anyway.

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: hogdown on August 16, 2012, 03:34:30 am
find you a man that is trigger happy and tell him to get after it lol

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: Reuben on August 16, 2012, 05:45:33 am
Mr. Bennet, i would drive tposts in the ground and gets some utility panel and raise it 16-18" off the ground like t-bob said, itll give the hogs plenty of room to go under but the deer shouldn't, im sure a few smaller does/fawns will but it outta slow em down anyway.

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland

I agree except it will probably work with 12 inches off the ground...

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: JoshStokley on August 16, 2012, 06:35:23 am
T-Bob is pretty well spot on with the shade cloth.  I've seen it done on my buddy's deer ranch I was tellin you about Monty.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: PLP on August 16, 2012, 09:28:24 am
The diesel will keep out deer ,coons,squirrels, etc. But like they say I don't think it would do well in a feeder. I just mix it all on the ground usually.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: Hawkins on August 16, 2012, 10:34:54 am
If you put panels 12-16" off the ground I would think the deer would go under it. They go under my pens more than they jump and it's about that high off the ground. I would think if you had enough pigs they would keep the deer ran off.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: dub on August 16, 2012, 10:52:25 am
I have a couple high fence properties I hunt. I have found some pretty nice hogs and some very small openings. I would just put some high fence around it and put it right at the ground with no re-enforcement. They will root a small hole  to get their nose under and be in without a problem. If they can get a nose under it they will get under it. I would also not attach the fence to post below about a foot so the fence has enough give that the fence does not get tore up.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: CutNShootHD on August 16, 2012, 12:13:32 pm
Hanging the fence around the feeders up off the ground some is what I've seen, it does keep the deer out.  Plus the fence snags the antlers when the deer shed em and you can get some nice sheds that way.  Never seen or heard of a deer gettin hung up in it though, so I wouldn't worry about that. 

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on August 16, 2012, 12:20:24 pm
Monty if you want to just keep the hogs around get you 55 gallon barrel drill holes in it and fill it with corn hook a cable to it and tie it off to a tree feed the area real good for a few days and they will tear it up!! We used to put them around mud holes where they were wallowing.

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: M Bennet on August 16, 2012, 03:42:09 pm
thanks guys

Title: Re: reverse ? lol
Post by: justincorbell on August 16, 2012, 06:37:07 pm
Monty if you want to just keep the hogs around get you 55 gallon barrel drill holes in it and fill it with corn hook a cable to it and tie it off to a tree feed the area real good for a few days and they will tear it up!! We used to put them around mud holes where they were wallowing.

Didn't even think about that! We call em hog logs lol, we used 16" diameter pvc about 6' long, drill a buncha holes and cap off both ends, run an eye bolt thru one end and fill it up with corn and a cpl jello packets.....heres the kicker, put about 3-5lbs of gravel that wont fir thru the drilled holes....this'll do 2 things 1) you will be able to hear if there are hogs using it before you get to it and 2) if you use a little jello mixed with corn then the smell will linger and they will continue to come to it after the corn is gone. I'll draw a pic to explain it better later tonight. This used to work great for us in se tex

"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland