Title: Update HB 3180 you should be against it, The Texas Veteriary Medical Assoc. is Post by: Txmason on May 13, 2009, 02:51:12 pm Permission granted to crosspost.
May 13, 2009 There's a lot of confusion regarding what's happening at the Texas State Legislature. RPOA can't broadcast all we're doing but will send alerts when we need your help with clear instructions. FORGET ABOUT HB 2310. Call and tell your senator you are passionate about your animals and will not vote for him if he votes for HB 3180 nor will you financially support him/her in the future! The bill that has been received in the Senate is HB 3180 and that is the bill we MUST DEFEAT. The Engrossed Version of HB 3180 that passed on the House Floor is on the state's website: www.capitol.state.tx.us As you know from past experience, all rules can be suspended and this bill could be passed in record time. So get on the horn! We can still kill this bill if each of you contact your senator and explain that this bill is not about "puppymills" at all. It takes 21 Senate votes to get it to a Floor Vote. That is out of 31 senators. So let's get busy. We can do this! Just a couple more weeks to go. Ask your senator how he or she is going to vote and let us know. It's a good idea to start contacting Governor Rick Perry -- just in case. Find out who represents you: http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/ Some talking points are below: HB 3180, the misnamed "Puppymill Bill," by Thompson * Will our senators stand up to the political powers in Austin to do what is right or will they let pet owners down as the House did? Do they own pets now and hope to own pets in the future? * If every dog and cat in Texas is sterilized (as mandated in Senator Van de Putte's bill) and breeders face overly restrictive regulations (as in Representative Thompson's bill), where will pets come from in the future? * Animal owners all over the country have their eyes on Texas to see how our legislators vote this session on anti-pet bills. * HB 3180 is being sold as a "Puppymill" Bill and it is not. It regulates anyone that sells a dog or cat in the state whether they bred it or not, even rescuers. This is a big misconception. * This is a radical national legislative agenda from Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) who have no connection to local humane societies. HSUS is an "animal rights" organization opposed to all use of animals for food, clothing, medical research, entertainment, including pet "ownership," preferring to call us pet "guardians. * This bill will not stop anything as there are already strict animal cruelty laws in Texas and USDA regulates brokers and commercial breeders who sell to pet shops. Raids are made and animals seized on a regular basis in substandard facilities. * HSUS uses sad pictures to sell all their legislation which is never written as publicized. The general public has no idea what is in this bill. They will find out eventually. * Chapter 803. Dog and Cat Dealers; Subchapter A. General Provisions; Sec. 803.002. Definitions. In this chapter: (6) "Dealer means a person who is required to collect sales tax for the sale of animals to a retail purchaser. The term does not include a humane society or local animal control authority." If this were a public health and safety issue as claimed, humane societies and animal controls should have to be classified as "dealers" also. * "Commercial Breeder is defined as a person who possesses adult intact female animals that produce 20 or more litters in one calendar year and is engaged in the business of breeding animals for sale." This will be a bureaucratic nightmare to enforce. * The bill sets up a whole new expensive state bureaucracy for regulations and enforcement in a time of economic downturn all across the country. * "Registered Breeder Inspector means an individual employed and certified by the department to conduct investigations and inspections under this chapter." This can be "animal rights" zealots like those who dressed as Klansmen and demonstrated at the Westminster Dog Show or the PETA members who demonstrate at every zoo, rodeo and circus protesting the use of animals. Do we want these radical extremists coming into our homes for inspections and investigations? I don't think so! Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: TrueBlueLacys on May 13, 2009, 03:35:50 pm Though I understand the issues with the previous version of this bill, and I don't like the idea that this was passed so quickly in the House, it sounds like it is finally doing what it was intended to do.
All mention of hobby breeders has been removed. They now define a commercial breeder as "a person who possesses adult intact female animals that produce 20 or more litters in one calendar year and is engaged in the business of breeding animals for direct or indirect sale or for exchange in return for consideration." So you can have as many intact females as you want, but if you are pumping out over 20 litters a year, you must be have a license. That seems completely reasonable, if not overly generous, because a lot of unscrupulous BYBs and smaller puppy mills will make a huge profit with under 20 litters. I see no limit on the number of dogs you are allowed to own or whether or not those dogs must be fixed. Yes, I understand the slippery slope argument in regards doing whatever you please with your dogs. But this bill attempts to prevent an issue that reflects poorly on everyone who has ever bred or owned an unaltered dog. I worry that by vehemently fighting reasonable legislation, we will erode the credibility of our cause. We certainly should not support puppy mills and abusive breeders in any way. But what happens when we do and waste our influence on such a bill? Will they still listen when we protest a bill that actually does hurt us? Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Circle C on May 13, 2009, 03:42:31 pm Quote I worry that by vehemently fighting reasonable legislation, we will erode the credibility of our cause. We certainly should not support puppy mills and abusive breeders in any way. But what happens when we do and waste our influence on such a bill? Will they still listen when we protest a bill that actually does hurt us? Agreed 100% Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Maver!ck on May 13, 2009, 03:52:53 pm They now define a commercial breeder as "a person who possesses adult intact female animals that produce 20 or more litters in one calendar year and is engaged in the business of breeding animals for direct or indirect sale or for exchange in return for consideration." They did amend that portion of the bill here... http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/amendments/faspdf/HB03180H21.PDF (http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/amendments/faspdf/HB03180H21.PDF) and here is the revised bill if anyone is interested... http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/HB03180E.htm (http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/81R/billtext/html/HB03180E.htm) Maver!ck Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Txmason on May 13, 2009, 05:04:12 pm I post bills for information too all dog owners and all hunters.
I'm apposed to all puppy mills even the back yard crosses of unproven dogs. But when a bill effect any dog owner or hunter I feel we should join together to help any way we can to stop the bill because in the future the rules can be changed and #'s can be lowered. Did any one read who will be on the board enforcing this law, if it becomes one?? Sec. 802.101. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP. The Dog and Cat Breeders Advisory Committee consists of seven members appointed by the presiding officer of the commission with the approval of the commission as follows: (1) two members who represent the public; (2) one member who represents the interests of commercial breeders; (3) one member who is a licensed veterinarian whose primary practice consists of the treatment of dogs and cats; (4) one member who represents the American Kennel Club; (5) one member who represents a humane society or an association of humane societies; and (6) one member who represents the interests of animal control authorities in this state. Any time any in involved with, one member who represents a humane society or an association of humane societies; Peta gets a foot in the door I feel it'll be bad. this will be trouble for the hunter that has dogs. I know we can't always agree but we should discuss and still stand together as a united front, as dow owners and hunters. Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Critter on May 13, 2009, 11:45:52 pm I see this as the foothold in the door! Doesn't seem all that bad on the surface, and won't affect my little kennel of dogs directly but allowing it won't be good in the long run.
Quote Yes, I understand the slippery slope argument in regards doing whatever you please with your dogs. But this bill attempts to prevent an issue that reflects poorly on everyone who has ever bred or owned an unaltered dog. I worry that by vehemently fighting reasonable legislation, we will erode the credibility of our cause. We certainly should not support puppy mills and abusive breeders in any way. But what happens when we do and waste our influence on such a bill? Will they still listen when we protest a bill that actually does hurt us? I differ in opinion here. This is much like statements I have heard politicians make regarding gun control. That statement being: "We must give up some of our individual rights for the greater good/safety of the majority." My Opinion: If you give an inch, they'll take a mile. Stand united. Politicians and the radical organizations sponsoring these bills are not interested in credibility(most have none themselves), they are interested in votes. A united front of sportsmen is a large sum of voters that will draw notice. Reasonable and legislation are an oxymoron in this day and age.--John Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Black Gold on May 14, 2009, 06:16:33 am Quote I differ in opinion here. This is much like statements I have heard politicians make regarding gun control. That statement being: "We must give up some of our individual rights for the greater good/safety of the majority." My Opinion: If you give an inch, they'll take a mile. Stand united. Politicians and the radical organizations sponsoring these bills are not interested in credibility(most have none themselves), they are interested in votes. A united front of sportsmen is a large sum of voters that will draw notice. Reasonable and legislation are an oxymoron in this day and age.--John I have to agree with John on this one. Just look at who is pushing this the hardest....some of the largest and most powerful animal rights groups on he planet......Start throwing crumbs to a rat and you'll soon have more rats than you have food! popo Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: uglydog on May 14, 2009, 07:14:38 am Critter you make it a very good point, most are looking at one bill, Oh that is "NOT SO BAD" added to all the other dog/pet/animal bills in this session and they are just tightening the screws all around from multiple directions.
something to think about: (multiple bills included) 1. limited amount of female dogs that are not spayed, facilities can be inspected anytime without notice 2. No dogs on chains 3. kennels have to be 150 sq. foot minimum 4. Anything over 40lbs. can be considered dangerous dog, no matter what breed, where you will have carry insurance, build a fort to contain your dog, even if it never bit anybody. What's next? Only thinking about the few hobby breeders? fine what about other sporting dog people? Not gonna support them because it does not affect you personaly? what about the sled dogs? and houndsman? They keep and use alot of dogs, but they will have to change their lifestyles or become extinct? well it don't effect some of us hog doggers, so let them be gone? On another note- There is so much crap in legislation, Rodeo/Equine sports people are getting one that requires anybody under 18 to wear a helmet in the arena, The goverment will have so many rules, you will wake up one day and wonder how did we ever make our own decisions and decide what is best for ourselves, our own children What about Liberty? Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Critter on May 14, 2009, 11:43:55 am It's time to realize that we must stand together. Whether you are directly affected or not. Whether you agree 100% or not. We must stand together. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. When will we learn. They haven't been able to get rid of our guns outright, so they continue to chip away at our right to keep and bear because they were given a foothold from the start. They haven't been able to get rid of all hunting outright, so they go state by state knocking off individual types of hunting. How are they able to accomplish this? Simply because sportsmen won't stand together and have allowed them a foothold in the door. Houndsmen who run bears, mountain lions, deer ect loose they rights because those who don't do it won't assist those who do. Make no mistake about it. Those who don't want bears or cougars killed don't want rabbits or quail killed either! Trophy hunters from Texas won't stand arm in arm with Louisiana deer houndsmen because they don't agree on how to hunt, but in the end, we will all loose together. Bird hunters with Labs and Pointers won't stand with hog hunters because they aren't the same thing. In the end, its all the same. They want us all gone and they are united. WE MUST BE ALSO.
This dog legislation is the same . Just because you don't breed dogs, live inside a city limit, own a bully breed, keep dogs on chains or agree 100% doesn't mean you don't need to call your representative and oppose these bills. Just because a bill sounds or is written to be harmless or not to affect you directly, doesn't mean you don't need to look for the hidden agenda because it will affect you in the end. It's also time to realize that it doesn't matter how they write it, it's always up for reform (which is much easier for them to pass) and they know it. They will take every foothold no matter how small and utilize it to build upon for the next attack. JOIN the TDHA... STAND UP for the issues that affect YOU... STAND TOGETHER with those who do things a little different than you do. WE HAVE ENOUGH LAWS. If what is already on the books is enforced, then all is O.K. A house divided cannot stand. History proves it. Wake up folks or we're all going to loose and with the current administration at the National level it's going to be sooner than later.--John Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: dabutcher on May 14, 2009, 02:38:15 pm It's time to realize that we must stand together. This dog legislation is the same . Just because you don't breed dogs, live inside a city limit, own a bully breed, keep dogs on chains or agree 100% doesn't mean you don't need to call your representative and oppose these bills. Just because a bill sounds or is written to be harmless or not to affect you directly, doesn't mean you don't need to look for the hidden agenda because it will affect you in the end. It's also time to realize that it doesn't matter how they write it, it's always up for reform (which is much easier for them to pass) and they know it. They will take every foothold no matter how small and utilize it to build upon for the next attack. JOIN the TDHA... STAND UP for the issues that affect YOU... STAND TOGETHER with those who do things a little different than you do. WE HAVE ENOUGH LAWS. If what is already on the books is enforced, then all is O.K. A house divided cannot stand. History proves it. Wake up folks or we're all going to loose and with the current administration at the National level it's going to be sooner than later.--John this is the best point yet.... they don't really care what they get passed, in the long run. Once they get something on the books is when you have to worry. it's much easier for them to tack on amendments then it is to get a bill passed. just because they ammended it to appease people now doesn't mean it can't be changed back just as easy. only then it'll be a law instead something in front of a committee. Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Txmason on May 20, 2009, 06:49:49 pm If this wasn't a bad bill as a whole why would the Texas Veterinary Medical Association be against it??
Dog owners and dog hunters should stand together and vote against bills like this. TDHA is for all dog owners and dog hunters so we stand against anything that might change our way of owning and hunting dogs. May 20, 2009 Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA) has announced their OPPOSITION to HB 3180, the misnamed "Puppymill Bill" and is feeling the wrath of Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN)! THLN accuses TVMA of taking an "irresponsible position" and being callous; asking if they "support cruelty?" Sounds like what they say about Responsible Pet Owners Alliance! We're in good company. Texas Humane Legislation Network sent out an alert today asking members to contact their veterinarians and get them to support HB 3180 by calling the Senate Criminal Justice Committee members below. Although it was pulled from yesterday's agenda due to the lack of votes required for passage, HB 3180 is not dead and can be rescheduled at any time with 24 hours notice. We're still in full alert until May 28th, the day after the deadline for all Senate bills to have a Floor vote. You're to be congratulated for your hard work which has paid off so far. But we must remain vigilant and not let up now! Anything can happen. We hear Senator Whitmire may try to amend the bill and try again. So everyone should call, fax and email the committee members below and tell them: "HB 3180 is fundamentally flawed and cannot be fixed with amendments as it is a radical national animal rights legislative agenda." That's all you need to say. Call your veterinarians today and ask that they contact the Criminal Justice Committee members below to OPPOSE HB 3180, the misnamed "Puppymill Bill." Thank TVMA for their position. Or you can forward or fax your vets this message! TVMA has taken an educated stand on behalf of responsible pet owners in this state. Let your veterinarian hear loud and clear that you support TVMA's stand and have your vets call and demand that Senators oppose this duplicative, wasteful and unenforceable proposal. This bill as written would cause veterinarians to be mired in legal disputes between buyers and sellers on issues of inherited diseases and other matters that take away vets' valuable time from healing our pets. If Texas Humane Legislation Network wants to help dogs and cats in cruel situations, they need to stop wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on their salaries, lobbyists and politics, and spend those funds supporting the arrest and prosecution of abusers under existing animal cruelty laws. Title: Re: Update HB 3180 you should be against it, The Texas Veteriary Medical Assoc. is Post by: Dexter on May 21, 2009, 06:12:59 am Mr Mason
can i cross post your last post/statement thanks Dexter Title: Re: Update HB 3180 you should be against it, The Texas Veteriary Medical Assoc. is Post by: Txmason on May 21, 2009, 07:25:08 am Permission to cross post.
Title: Re: Update on HB 3180 Post by: Cull Buck on May 21, 2009, 08:18:56 am I see this as the foothold in the door! Doesn't seem all that bad on the surface, and won't affect my little kennel of dogs directly but allowing it won't be good in the long run. Quote Yes, I understand the slippery slope argument in regards doing whatever you please with your dogs. But this bill attempts to prevent an issue that reflects poorly on everyone who has ever bred or owned an unaltered dog. I worry that by vehemently fighting reasonable legislation, we will erode the credibility of our cause. We certainly should not support puppy mills and abusive breeders in any way. But what happens when we do and waste our influence on such a bill? Will they still listen when we protest a bill that actually does hurt us? I differ in opinion here. This is much like statements I have heard politicians make regarding gun control. That statement being: "We must give up some of our individual rights for the greater good/safety of the majority." My Opinion: If you give an inch, they'll take a mile. Stand united. Politicians and the radical organizations sponsoring these bills are not interested in credibility(most have none themselves), they are interested in votes. A united front of sportsmen is a large sum of voters that will draw notice. Reasonable and legislation are an oxymoron in this day and age.--John John, you understand politics, some others....not so much. I have family and/or family ties involved in politics on the local, state, and national levels. Heck I even had a cousin make a run at US Congress not to long ago. I was a double major in finance and politcal science and spent several years working the Austin political scene. My moral fabric is wound a little to tight for politics so I have persued a path in the pricate sector. The saying if you give them an inch they try to take a mile applies almost 100% of the time in politics. Period end of story. If you can't end stand that, you don't understand how things have worked for a very long time. Politicans understand they can't just go for the big power grab so they methodically chip away at your rights in creative less intrusive ways. Think of it this way.....imagine a pyramid. How do you build it? You start at the base with small blocks. Keep putting these blocks together and soon you have a base. Then you build the next level and so on. Substitute the blocks for bills like this and you can see how this could just be another step to ultimately building something big and nasty. Stop trusting politicans and see the big picture. Your rights are much easier to take than they are to get back. Title: Re: Update HB 3180 you should be against it, The Texas Veteriary Medical Assoc. is Post by: cantexduck on May 21, 2009, 08:35:10 am Richard,
I agree. Already called on this one. I will send an e-mail out to all the dog owners I know. |