Title: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: KevinN on August 24, 2012, 08:29:40 am Sorry to do this to y'all but it could help someone, maybe.....
http://homepage.usask.ca/~schmutz/alleles.html Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: KevinN on August 24, 2012, 08:48:04 am Here's another
http://bowlingsite.mcf.com/Genetics/ColorGen.html Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: Purebreedcolt on August 24, 2012, 08:52:14 am Yep took one look at that and decided I don't want to know what color my dogs might be when bred lmao.
Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: KevinN on August 24, 2012, 08:56:52 am Haha! I know, I start reading and find myself going into a daze and I snap out of it with my eyes crossed and my mouth open. In all seriousness, there is some good information there. It's best to focus on one allele. Understand one will give you a basic understanding. Then you can go on from there if your brain is still functioning properly.
Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: Lacy man on August 24, 2012, 08:59:53 am Good info
Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: Lance on August 24, 2012, 09:58:33 am Looks to much like Algebra for me to want to try it ! ???
Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: TexasHogDogs on August 24, 2012, 11:08:23 am Nope not me I take one look at that and my goes to pounding . Before I would go threw all that I would just buy me some spray paint and color the dog the color I wanted. LOL
Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: rdjustham on August 24, 2012, 04:23:07 pm All its doing is complicating somethin breeders been doing for years by over explaining it. Of rinstance, you want all yella dogs. Breed yella to yella if all but one come out yella cull the one and breed them back to get a good genetic foundation to the yella color.
KNow the above links wont say yella they will give the genetic code IE aaee y2 (whatever it is). There now no one is confused.. Right? ;D Title: Re: Ready for your brain to explode? Post by: charles on August 24, 2012, 07:41:04 pm man you are right bout exploding a brain. i aint got much for brains, so i just skimed the first few senteces and said uhhhh, NO, to complicated for a head full of nothing for me.