Title: American Bulldogs PRICE REDUCED! Post by: JBurns on August 27, 2012, 09:38:11 am As mentioned in previous posts I'm trying to majorly downsize my hunting. I have a mother/ daughter pair of NKC registered American Bulldogs. The mother catches and has a great handle and temperment at just a touch over 2 years old. The pup is 4 months old with her shots. Ideally would like them to go as a pair for $350, my ablsolute bottom dollar. I'm in Pittsburg TX, Josh Burns: 903-285-4526, email jburns08@hotmail.com
(http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/pittsburgrv/Ellie-1.jpg) (http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/pittsburgrv/Dottie.jpg) |