HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Bryant on September 04, 2012, 10:51:59 pm

Title: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: Bryant on September 04, 2012, 10:51:59 pm
I recently learned something that I didn't know which I feel could be very helpful for those who sell dogs.
(or anything for that matter)

This doesn't have anything to do with a dog deal, but I have a friend who recently took a post dated check for something he sold.  When he went to cash the check (a few thousand dollars) guess what...it was returned NSF.  So after presenting the check a second time and it being returned he did what anyone would do and took it to the DA's office for prosecution.  Turns out, that on the paperwork you fill out that one of the questions is "was this check accepted as a post dated check?".  

Because it was, the DA explained that legally he had extended credit to the writer and therefore there was nothing they could do to prosecute or help him collect.  They then went on to tell him that people who do this are usually people who know the system and have done the same in the past.

Let that be a lesson for those who might sell a dog, and let it go on trial with a post-dated check.  Knowing that, if ever I were a seller...cash money in hand ONLY it would be.

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: halfbreed on September 04, 2012, 11:00:50 pm
that is good advice i once new a man made his living doing things like that  lol he would buy stuff to re-sale with a post dated check . and he would usually have the item sold for a profit before his check would clear the bank . his checks was allways good but he was just wheelin and dealin with other peoples money , kinda like the goverment lol . most people sellin stuff just look at the dollar amount not the date on the check .

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: dub on September 04, 2012, 11:01:38 pm
You get the check dated that day. You can agree to hold the check. But always get the correct date on the check. A check is a contract and is legally binding. When you sign a contract you would not put a future date on the contract. We can sign a contract to do something and I can hold that contract but if you put a different date on the contract you don't have a contract.

Never ever take a third party check or a post dated check. Sign the check today and I can not deposit it until payday if I know you.

In God I trust. All others pay cash!

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: W-tate on September 04, 2012, 11:03:27 pm
sad that people know the  system so well and we have to worry about these things

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: Bryant on September 04, 2012, 11:25:56 pm
Post dating a check, or agreeing to hold it until a certain date.  Both are extending credit in my opinion.  No thanks, I believe I'll just have cash.

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 05, 2012, 01:57:24 am
CASH ONLY!!!! It ain't that hard to go to the bank. ;-)

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: reatj81 on September 05, 2012, 07:41:05 am
I didn't know this about post dated checks!

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: bob on September 05, 2012, 07:47:48 am
thank you for the advice

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: dub on September 05, 2012, 10:26:51 am
CASH ONLY!!!! It ain't that hard to go to the bank. ;-)
Yup. Instead of holding a check I will just hold whatever is for sale until someone shows up with the cash. Cash talks and BS walks. I don't write checks and don't take checks. Life is easier that way.

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: sike-ohunter on September 07, 2012, 12:38:51 am
Thanks ..... good advice

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: HDMdogs on September 07, 2012, 12:59:46 am
Good advice! I'm young but learned at a early age when mom did 3 yrs state time over some checks that her hole in the butt ex fiance claimed to be stolen after they broke up... That checks have their disadvantages I've never owned a checkbook nor do I ever care to own one I have a Debit card, savings account, and a retirement set up I'm good with that!

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: HDMdogs on September 07, 2012, 01:01:03 am
And I will only accept cash. Prefer benjamins!   ;D

Title: Re: A free financial tip -- selling dogs
Post by: Amokabs on September 07, 2012, 03:00:27 pm
Cash or U.S. POSTAL MONEY ORDER.  Only two ways to deal