HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: johnf on September 08, 2012, 07:03:57 pm

Title: Guinea fowl hog locater
Post by: johnf on September 08, 2012, 07:03:57 pm
met a friend thur.morn.for a hunt.loaded his dogs and he had a guinea in a small cage. i asked whats that for he said pete wants it hes gonna meet us there.we met 2 land owners that had hog problems.they knew pete.they ask whats that guinea for and wayne said ,pete wants it.hes gonna meet us later.driving down in the feild behind the land owner.i said we should tell them that guinea will find hogs.we get out and wayne says if theres a hog around that bird will alarm.right on que that guinea starts squakin.their eyes got big and said i guess that means their here right.turned out dogs made a good round no hogs.moved to the other guys place .he walked a ways with us.dogs came up dry again.i looked at the guy and said.the only reason wayne's letin pete have that guinea is because it lies sometime.that guy looked funny sure enough.then he began to cuss.lol ;Dany ways i thought it was funny.3rd spot we got 2 good boars and a nice sow hog....

Title: Re: Guinea fowl hog locater
Post by: SCHitemHard on September 08, 2012, 08:04:44 pm
i would have been rollin there :laugh: