HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: drew on September 09, 2012, 07:01:15 pm

Title: losing lead dog
Post by: drew on September 09, 2012, 07:01:15 pm
i have hunted hogs a long while now an everyone knows the chances of loseing yours dogs high
i resently lost my red dog an it sucks but thats life hunting hogs
an i was down so what am i going to do
simple keep hunting so i go an the pups step up an fight to fill the number one spot
a catch 130 pound boar so know its been three weeks since my number one died
and i have caught hogs the last 4times out of 6 times i went
the reason i post this is to let the guys that are new to the sport or to remind the guys that have beeen doing this longer mybe its going to happen just keep doing what you do an it will work out

Title: Re: losing lead dog
Post by: halfbreed on September 09, 2012, 08:12:54 pm
like i allways  say . leave the # 1 dog at home now and again so the rest will step up and fill it's spot . alot of people loose their
#1 dog and emediatly go in search of another to purchase .  when they own one all along . glad it worked out for ya .

Title: Re: losing lead dog
Post by: drew on September 09, 2012, 08:42:38 pm
thanks man its so true another funny thing is that day on my way to hunt i was talking to cole aka bayhard kennels talking about the same thing an turns out the eight month old pups i got from him are the ones i took an the rest is history im glad when i had my red dog i hunted them pups with him at seperate times never together always trying to get them all where they are lead dogs cull hard thats the name of the game

Title: Re: losing lead dog
Post by: bayed hard hog dogs on September 10, 2012, 10:44:38 am
Drew I'm sure glad them little girls are doing good for you it will only get better from here,  I no that cross has been doing very good and are making grade A dogs so keep them in the woods and don't look back.

Title: Re: losing lead dog
Post by: drew on September 10, 2012, 10:51:28 am
yep glad they are turning out

Title: Re: losing lead dog
Post by: ancuegar on September 12, 2012, 12:04:49 pm
I too recently lost my #1 dog this summer. He got sick in feb and we kept hunting without him. Luckily for me I have 2 older dogs that work just not as far. We kept catching pigs. Luckily we got a few up and coming dogs who hopefully will step up and keep us catching pigs. They just need time on the ground and pigs in front if them.