Title: Training Hunt for New Dogs Post by: gnjhesseltine on May 20, 2009, 12:36:53 am We had a couple of gentlemen come over today so I could see two of their dogs work that they were selling. I took my ole dog Repo and my young gyp Kate(catahoula). They brought with them Gus ( big [male catahoula) and Tara (3/4 red cur 1/4 pit) and a young dog they were keeping Dozer (1/2 bmc 1/2 pit). We turned the dogs loose and of course Repo, Gus and Tara went one way and Kate the other. Kate opened up and after 5-10 minutes started baying in the west corner. We get to her and she has a 50 lb shoat bayed up. I load her up. Repo and the other dogs have know headed north. Gus I think is confused with all the hog smell as he is going back and forth across one of the senderas. I drive to the big pipeline and Repo and Tara are bayed up. Tara gets right in the face of the hog as I am watching, and the small boar brakes. I turn out Kate to help them but she goes left and starts to bay. Repo and Tara come to her and know Gus shows up. Tara catches the hog first then Repo but I was most impressed with that 4 month old pup Dozer. He was unbelivable for his age. He came in after I was there and ran up to the hog and grabbed him like he was an old pro. I tried to buy him to but he wasn't for sale. All I can say, is I want first shot at him boys if he ever comes up for sale. We pull the dogs off and let the hog go and I go home with two new dogs.
(http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu157/gnjhesseltine/151.jpg) Title: Re: Training Hunt for New Dogs Post by: craig on May 20, 2009, 11:28:39 am there you go another sussecful day.
good job. by the way im a hog hunter didnt get very far in the spelling B ;D Title: Re: Training Hunt for New Dogs Post by: buddybegone on May 20, 2009, 07:08:17 pm nice hunt good looking dogs glen
Title: Re: Training Hunt for New Dogs Post by: HogzgoneWild on May 20, 2009, 09:07:53 pm sounds like an all around successful day!!! awesome