THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: d.a.d hogdogs on September 11, 2012, 05:42:01 pm

Title: stated catch dog and started pup
Post by: d.a.d hogdogs on September 11, 2012, 05:42:01 pm
i have a ful blooded pitt that will catch in a pen but never brought to the woods she catches good mainly on the end of the nose but on ear sometimes . shes 8 mnt old kinda small bout 30 lbs. wantin to get 120 . also have a 1/8 pitt 7/8 curr that is 6mnt old but has been bayin since 3 . i have hogs runnin loose around my place and the other day he stayed gone lil over an hr runnin them . lookin to get 150 for him i no this dog will be good but im trin to cut down since i cnt hunt as much 1979 922 9677 . i live in starks la . dnt check hogdogger79@yahoo.com