Title: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on September 13, 2012, 04:52:49 pm Is anyone extremely savvy with the 320? I need help in a bad bad bad way, and there is way to much to type out.
Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on September 13, 2012, 05:08:55 pm Dang laptop... Forgot to turn mouse pad off.
Anyway... I am trying to load maps, but getting a lot of messages telling me different things, and I'm not sure what's going on. Can someone either txt me or call me and walk me through it? Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: ARhogdogs on September 13, 2012, 09:08:37 pm Need more info to help you out any. Im not wavy but have all of Arkansas and east tx and north la on mine. What is giving u messages? The 320 or basecamp?
Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on September 13, 2012, 11:44:32 pm The base camp, can you say CONFUSING?!? I finally figured it out but it was after the battle and me threatening to destroy my laptop. They need to have play by play instructions.
Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: boone823 on September 14, 2012, 10:40:36 am You have to download it to your computer base camp from Garmins website. It will only let you download a certain size. Then plug Garmin in and sync
Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: Lacy man on September 14, 2012, 10:48:11 am So I m guessing you didn't just buy the topo map card they offer?
Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on September 14, 2012, 11:27:54 am Yeah I bought the chip, and I have base camp downloaded already.
It will only let you download a certain size. That's what I was having trouble with. I didn't realize that it didn't automatically select the size possible. Ugh Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: Lacy man on September 14, 2012, 11:29:09 am Yeah I bought the chip, and I have base camp downloaded already. It will only let you download a certain size. That's what I was having trouble with. I didn't realize that it didn't automatically select the size possible. Ugh Well be near a phone my map is coming in a week or two might need ya help lol Title: Re: Annoying 320... Help?!?! Post by: TinyTexasCowgirl on September 14, 2012, 11:36:42 am Lacy Man, I am the last person that you want to ask for help when it comes to this thing. I do good to get it to turn on and find my collars 1/2 the time.