Title: hogs and cows Post by: heavyhitter89 on September 16, 2012, 03:57:15 pm Been hunting a couple ranches around the house lately .. it seems like every hog we catch its always with cows .. we even watched the same group of pigs for a week move with the cows. When cows move to the front on the ranch this sane pack if pigs move with them . Any of yall seen this
Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: T-Bob Parker on September 16, 2012, 04:05:17 pm Seen many many many a time. Hogs are feral, but their still livestock. That's why you can't be super quick about zapping a dog just because it's going thru cows or towards them.
Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: heavyhitter89 on September 16, 2012, 04:08:55 pm Yes sir I almost got trigger happy until I heard my gyp bayin and she will show no interwoven in cows ..
Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: aussie black mouth curs on September 16, 2012, 05:40:28 pm Yep happens here a lot too. If you catch a sow a lot of times the young pigs will bond with the cows. They also eat the cow crap a lot. Cows will defend the pigs sometimes too. On saturady my dogs chased a boar and he headed straight for the cattle to throw off the dogs. They dogs chased him out the other side of the cattle and bayed him. The cows followed the action and I thought I was gonna have to chase the cows off myself but when the action got a but much for them they moved off...
Troy Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: heavyhitter89 on September 16, 2012, 05:42:15 pm It makes since thinking they would but just never seen it. It's prety cool to see them with the cows
Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: Reuben on September 16, 2012, 05:44:34 pm Seen many many many a time. Hogs are feral, but their still livestock. That's why you can't be super quick about zapping a dog just because it's going thru cows or towards them. x2...sometimes I wonder if some hogs have learned to mingle with cows because the dogs will get hollered out because the hunter is thinking dogs on cows...or... young dogs actually switching to bay cows... just like some gators move towards a bay next to the lake or river hoping for an easy meal...because they have learned when the dogs bark and splash water it is time to move in... Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: aussie black mouth curs on September 16, 2012, 10:33:15 pm Its a learned activity like anything else. Its common here for red foxes to follow kangaroo shooters trucks for miles waiting for them to stop and gut the kangaroos...T
Title: Re: hogs and cows Post by: Curcross1987 on September 17, 2012, 12:21:48 am Better watch them they are there to eat them cows