Title: Pit pups. Pics Post by: DARDEN on September 18, 2012, 06:14:59 am I'm posting for a buddy hes got some pups out of his female and another big body framed male. Both dogs are super athletic with good Temperment. No dog aggression in male or female. He wants 100 bucks Obo for them. Here are some pictures. Text me at 3252033548 or email me at dardenkye@yahoo.com The pups are in Leveland but they come to Brownwood almost every weekend so maybe can work something out.
(http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l625/swampdonkey02/F30745B4-AA4D-4101-BD76-9439E5F546BF-714-000000B9FDB9D1BC.jpg) (http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l625/swampdonkey02/A3234C4A-784E-47A5-9B83-DF974ED75C2A-714-000000BA0560379C.jpg) (http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l625/swampdonkey02/84EC7A9C-27CE-4C8B-9740-E9D6389B8D64-714-000000BA082C5D25.jpg) |