HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: buford on September 18, 2012, 07:13:05 pm

Title: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: buford on September 18, 2012, 07:13:05 pm
Doing a little web surfing, researching and learning (tryin to) .. Iv always known that people hog hunt in Australia, or for a long time I've known that. And that they use dogs, but have always seen different breeds than what we use here in the U.S here lately I've seen post on this forum and in other places of Yella dogs and diff BMC in Australia and Newzealand just wondering how they got? I'm thinking shipped, but wanted to here if anyone had personal experience or know of someone. I'm also thinking someone from down under was probly doing they same as me and just exploreing out on how people do things from different places. But I do that with the internet, so if yella dogs have been there since before the days of the internet would also like to know how that was communicated. Any history would me great to hear, thanks and look forward to hearing .

Title: Re: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: aussie black mouth curs on September 18, 2012, 07:25:49 pm

Straight from the horses mouth mate.  My cousin and I imported 4 BMC's from Texas August 2011.  We have had 4 litters so far.  There are a few posts on here (search aussie black mouth curs).  Also check our website www.blackmouthcursaustralia.com or "friend" us on facebook for more regular updates on fb we are "black mouth curs australia".  If you are after good aussie pig dog sites try "ozziedoggers" or "realhunters" both are good...

hope that helps


Title: Re: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: Txmason on September 18, 2012, 07:32:57 pm
I have exported Catahoula's to Australia and Sweden

Title: Re: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: aussie black mouth curs on September 18, 2012, 07:50:44 pm
Mr Mason,

we have done a swap with Mick F and my cousin Baden is getting a cat pup from him soon.  This pup will work cattle.  We saw hope while in quarantine in sydney..nice female...Mick says her pups are crackers..Troy

Title: Re: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: buford on September 19, 2012, 05:40:21 pm
Aussie black mouth,      Very nice site, impressive, very good looking dogs I realy like the confirmation of them. It sounds like you realy did your homework on purchasing  your dogs to start your line, haveing the history on them, and laying it out on your site for others to see. Thank you for your reply.   What made you decide to get a dog all the way from Texas? Did you come over and hunt with these dogs befor buying them? I'm becoming more and more intrested in Australia, for hog hunting and other reason. Would like to go there one day. Again thank you for the reply look foward to see post from you on this site.

Txmason,  What an accomplishment to be exporting dogs so far, look foward to reading your post. Do you have a site of your kennels?  Thanks for the reply. 

Title: Re: Yella dogs in australia ?
Post by: aussie black mouth curs on September 19, 2012, 11:23:47 pm

thanks.  Why did we choose BMC? Good question.  I just always wanted to do something new with dogs in Australia.  Thought about plotts, catahoulas, mounatin curs (sorry Rueben) for many years.  I liked the BMC's because in the whole they have been bred for working ability and everything else is secondary...If you come here look us up and we'll take you hunting...your summer - our winter is best.
