Title: Crazy Dog Ranch Hog Dogs Post by: brandeek1 on September 20, 2012, 04:01:03 am Our dogs are crossed up as you can tell. We do select breed though. All started with Newt (1/2 Running Walker and 1/2 BMC). We love dogos and big dogs. They work for us. Some of our dogs like Flash came in as rescues. As long as they have heart they work for us. We prefer taking 2 strike lead dogs and 3 catch. Unfortunately most of our catch dogs end up striking hogs. LOL. All of our dogs run on the ground. Our dogs are silent on the trail until the hog is stopped and facing them. Our 2 main lead dogs do not catch and hold. We prefer that. Our catch dogs hold hog until Chris tells them to GET OUT and then they let go and get out of the way. They will re-catch if they need too but we don't like fighting with dogs to come off. Our dogs will kill occasional coon in rice field, skunk on road, opossum on road but they will not bark at it. They do not chase deer or cattle. We do not start pups in a pen. They learn on the hunt from the older dogs. We hunt on four wheeler only. Our dogs are not for everyone and our style of hunting is not for everyone. It works for us and that's all that matters. My kids can handle every dog we have, bathe them, trim toe nails, lead them and some have been to local pet shows. I will have to get pics of the rest of our pack and add them later. Have 4-5 more grown dogs.
Jazzy. From UglyDog litter of Scooter and Captain. 7 yrs in pic. Retired due to injury (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/ymuge7y4.jpg) Rio. Pitt/BMC. Strike and catch depending on his mood. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/2ytahyna.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/5upypyte.jpg) Bullet. Dogo. Catch but has struck. Semi retired due to foot issue. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/5y9uruta.jpg) Flash. Hound X. Strike and catch. Kids favorite (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/gaqy9y6a.jpg) Redee. 1/2 Dogo/1/4 Mtn Curr/1/4 Plott. Out of Squirrel and Butch. Strike Only. Lead Dog (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/ynyqaba7.jpg) Dan. Redee was mom and Newt was dad. Breed is Hog Dog. LOL. Strike Only. Lead Dog (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/e6azyqe9.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/09/20/a8asa4yj.jpg) Title: Re: Crazy Dog Ranch Hog Dogs Post by: ironheadknls21 on September 20, 2012, 05:04:47 am Good looking set of dogs and your right as long as they work for you nothing else matters.......