Title: 2 dogs dog sold saddle back still have the other dog Post by: ekirkland on September 25, 2012, 08:36:19 pm Got to curs for sale one solid black one tan with black saddle back. Both stike own hog in hot sign.
Black dog is pretty gritty at times but if you get on a runner he dont have enough stamina to hang. But good dog. Saddle back dog will go till bayed or till you pick him up. Will stay with stike Both dogs honor a bay 400 for saddle back and 350 for black dog (http://i1118.photobucket.com/albums/k612/ekirkland1607/41079035-F627-4358-B41E-68BBB9A4A0AD-10447-000009D1826714E8.jpg) Saddle back dog I'll try and get a pic of the black one tomorrow Text is best cause I'll be sleepin durin the day will be workin night shift 9037202824 Ekirkland160739@gmail.com but don't ever check |