Title: looking to trade 2006 honda foreman for finished strike dog(edited) Post by: dogemdownsouth.com on September 30, 2012, 10:12:05 pm I have a 2006 Honda Foreman 4x4, new rear end, good factory tires, good running rig. It smokes a little when you first crank it but it clears out quick. It has a broken choke cable but I have an 06 parts fourwheeler that has one on it that also goes with the trade. No engine noise. I drive it daily. It also has a good dog rack on back. I am looking to trade it for a good dog, 3 to 5 years old or 2 younger dogs that hunt out good and are finding their own hogs. I prefer a hound or hound bird dog cross.I dont want a trial, but I do want to see the dog or dogs in the woods. Your place or mine. 870-917-9621 dogemdownsouth@mail.com My name is Doug Mullins