Title: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 03, 2012, 06:10:52 pm does anybody know anything about tanning hog hides im in the process right now i just wanna be sure im doing it correctly so far i have skinned the hog quite a bit of fleshing and salted heavily if anyone has any tips i would sure be obliged
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: rdjustham on October 03, 2012, 10:03:00 pm Id love to know how to do it. If you dont mind can you post your steps.
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: Bawl Mouth on October 03, 2012, 10:10:24 pm What are you gonna use for a tanning solution? A lot of indians boiled the brain to an oil. They say each animals brain will generally produce the right amount of oil. I have never done it, but I have a friend that does and his hides are great. They also say they will age and preserve better than hides done with modern chemical processes
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: firemedic on October 03, 2012, 10:47:33 pm You will have to run the hide through an acid pickle next....that will take a couple of days at least. Neutralizing is next, then a bit more fleshing. Then you can use whatever kind of 'tan' that you want. Some are liquids, some powders that you mix with water. After it has taken the tan, you start to dry it and break it, in order to make it soft and flexible. Usually oiling it as you break it. Sounds like fun huh?.....lol
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: alphabravo on October 03, 2012, 11:04:35 pm What are you gonna use for a tanning solution? A lot of indians boiled the brain to an oil. They say each animals brain will generally produce the right amount of oil. I have never done it, but I have a friend that does and his hides are great. They also say they will age and preserve better than hides done with modern chemical processes An old man told me once that all animals have enough brains to tan their own hides except for chikens and teenagers LOL! Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 03, 2012, 11:10:58 pm i have my hide hung and drying getting most the moisture out now depending on how this turns out ill post my steps im trying to do the whole thing all natural no chemicals all natural resources ill list my steps either way that worked, right now its dripping water like crazy i am going to brain tan the hide i have the head in the freezer i noticed someone said to boil i was on the understanding that u keep the water where u didnt cook the brain and could work the hide by hand in the solution anyway i got alot of the fleshing done today i wanted to get it out of the way but prob still a few hours to go i will be using brain out of the same hogs head its in my freezer like i said all natural but i still dont know exactly how to get the brain out please keep the input coming
steps so far 1 field dress and skinned animal out 2 fleshing removing all the fat and meat from the hide 3 salted hide to draw moisture out 4 hung up the hide so it could dran 5 froze the head to retrieve brain later Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 03, 2012, 11:14:02 pm You will have to run the hide through an acid pickle next....that will take a couple of days at least. Neutralizing is next, then a bit more fleshing. Then you can use whatever kind of 'tan' that you want. Some are liquids, some powders that you mix with water. After it has taken the tan, you start to dry it and break it, in order to make it soft and flexible. Usually oiling it as you break it. Sounds like fun huh?.....lol what is something natural i could use for an acid pickle Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: jdt on October 04, 2012, 09:42:04 am use a sawzall to get the brain out
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: jimco on October 04, 2012, 11:21:17 am Here you go.
http://www.fieldandstream.com/node/57386 Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 04, 2012, 12:55:34 pm just got off the phone with my taxadermist and he finishd my steps for me si its gonna take three more days to salt a few more fleshings if i dont have it all off and the brain tan will work just have to work the hide in the solution longer so we will see ill post a pic and all my steps in about 5 more days and its not taking all day i think my time so far in this is about 2 hours
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: rdjustham on October 04, 2012, 05:03:11 pm Here you go. http://www.fieldandstream.com/node/57386 think that would work on a cape to do a shoulder mount? Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: charles on October 04, 2012, 05:34:52 pm From articles i have read, the native americans would soake the hides in urine n potash, hang it out to dry, flesh it n continue the p n potash till it is fleshed out n then deied again. Once dried the final time, the brain would as said before, be boiled down to an oil n then rubbed in thoroughly n then chwed for tenderizing.
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: AnthonyB on October 04, 2012, 11:36:39 pm One bag of fine pool salt, one bottle of safety acid, baking soda, tanning oil. All but the baking soda will do multiple hides. Fleshing is enough work by itself without having to make all the other stuff too. Lol
Anthony Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: CutNShootHD on October 05, 2012, 12:27:32 pm Ive tanned 2 hogs, 4 bobcats, 3 muskrats, and 2 deer and several coons and a fox using the tanning kit that gander mountain sells. Turned out awesome, but they supply a scraping tool that i personally dont care for. Everything u need is in the kit, except flour and a few supplies like buckets and such. I have a book at the house that uses borax and stuff, gonna try that this year, got the book at Hastings book store.
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 05, 2012, 01:34:24 pm thanks everybody my hide is looking descent at the stage im at its still drying but its drying correctly its hasnt withered or shrunk so far so good
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: rdjustham on October 05, 2012, 02:12:44 pm Scroll to the last post, seems like this guy knows what he is talkin about..
http://www.taxidermy.net/forums/TanningArticles/03/j/0387060D3.html Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: firemedic on October 09, 2012, 11:20:02 am You will have to run the hide through an acid pickle next....that will take a couple of days at least. Neutralizing is next, then a bit more fleshing. Then you can use whatever kind of 'tan' that you want. Some are liquids, some powders that you mix with water. After it has taken the tan, you start to dry it and break it, in order to make it soft and flexible. Usually oiling it as you break it. Sounds like fun huh?.....lol what is something natural i could use for an acid pickle I think some folks use citric acid. Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 09, 2012, 11:32:39 am im building a fire out of oak right now to smoke seal the hide a little more softenting it after wards and i should be done
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: jdt on October 09, 2012, 01:12:19 pm post pics when you get done
Title: Re: tanin hogs help Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on October 09, 2012, 01:19:17 pm post pics when you get done 10-4 |