Title: 1969 Winchester 30-30 Teddy Roosevelt edition Post by: Tebosa30 on October 04, 2012, 07:52:16 am Mfg in 1969 according to serial number. Good condition, has been shot but this gun is very neat. Silver but plate, engraving, octagon barel. $550 cash. I will be near Dallas today otherwise you'll have to make a trip to south central Texas if you want it. Email tebosa30@gmail.com call text 8308573222
(http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/tebosa30/CD6524D9-C877-40F4-B6EB-6D074C487AF3-6954-0000082A37C2B794.jpg) (http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/tebosa30/D3E640EC-D924-42A6-B0E6-40AE4CDC2C80-6954-0000082A74F3D290.jpg) (http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/tebosa30/4DE85BBA-7167-4DF1-B213-2983062E278E-6954-0000082A56B77B44.jpg) |