Title: Camper Post by: kemp on October 31, 2012, 05:21:46 am (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/31/ypehu4ym.jpg) Its in bad shape but its cheap. 97' I think. Lots of good parts. Never put the awning down, maybe it works. Stove, fridge, still in it. Hydraulic pump for slide out works but the hoses are bad. All the glass is there. Roof is very bad and has been for a few years, floor too. Jacks work when hooked to truck Looks like it has some .22 holes in it. Not going to be something you want to fix up, just parts only. Trade for 1 garmin collar, cut gear, decent started dog, anything really just ask. (580)933-6164. patrickdkemp@yahoo.com. Texts work best because I work shift. Located in Ft. Towson OK.