Title: Tennessee/Alabama/Mississippi/Louisiana/Texas - Updated Route! Post by: Cajun Pet Express on November 05, 2012, 06:51:07 am Monday November 5th - W. Kentucky to Tennessee
Tuesday November 6th - Alabama then Missisisippi Wednesday November 7th - Louisiana to NE Texas Thursday November 8th - Dallas/Ft. Worth to West Texas (Lubbock/Abilene) then central Texas Friday November 9th - San Antonio to Houston then W. Louisiana Saturday November 10th - Louisiana to Mississippi/Alabama - End of Run! QUICK TURNAROUND ON TRANSPORT Average Take 1 to 5 days ON 97% OF DELIVERIES. Clean, comfortable, quiet and on schedule. New equipment, Foam Insulated Cargo Area. 2010 Mercedes Benz Van. Roomy Crates, Carrier Commercial Rear Air System and back up roof A/C with 3000 watt Honda Generator. Web Site: http://www.prohoundtransport.com (http://www.prohoundtransport.com) References: http://www.prohoundtransport.com/ref.html (http://www.prohoundtransport.com/ref.html) Call or Text Dave @ 985-516-6713 Video, Photo and Text Updates Available w/our iPhone 4S We Accept: Debit Cards/Mastercard/Visa/PayPal Louisiana Sportsman - Home of Swamp People! USDA Licensed #72-T-0004 and Insured (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/ProDogTransport/xx2.jpg) |