THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Corpchrishunt on November 12, 2012, 10:44:40 pm

Title: Jam up finished catch dog
Post by: Corpchrishunt on November 12, 2012, 10:44:40 pm
My gyp catch dog is pregnant, and I need the kennel room.  My wife already told me if I got another kennel she'll kill me so one of my catch dogs has to go.   Really hat to see him go but sometimes the wife wins.   He is a pure red pit that is not real leggy and all muscle.   He runs to the bay and hits the pig like a freight train.....and has the scars to prove it!!!!  He the perfect hight to stay low so the pig can't toss him, and goes for ear or snout each time...... Have seen him rip the son pith off a 90lb sow before.   Really really hate to get rid of him but need the kennel space.  If he's not what I say then ill take him back...,askin$200 for quick sale.   I'm in the military so my number is from VA but I live in Corpus Christi please call me at 757-971-8255 or email me at swaite58@yahoo.com......my loss is ur gain on this dog ohh forgot to mention he is about 3-4 yrs old