HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: rebel ridge kennels on November 15, 2012, 02:04:04 pm

Title: texas horsemen
Post by: rebel ridge kennels on November 15, 2012, 02:04:04 pm
 Have any of yall heard of feeding bread to horses? I had a fellow tell me it was a good way to save on feed not sure would like to hear from others who have tried it. Thanks

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: Caboy76 on November 15, 2012, 03:01:06 pm
This is just my opinion but if you are trying to save on feed get rid of the horse but don't give it bread a horse needs more than that to stay up  and if the horse is use to eating grain and good hay or green grass it might not even touch the bread

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: dblackwell on November 15, 2012, 03:16:14 pm
Bread works wonders! Don't just go throw a whole loaf in the feed trough tho. You have to start slow maby a few slices at first. It will make em fat, but a different kind of fat that don't ride off real fast. They still need the basics but there is nothing wrong with putting bread in the mix when you can get your hands on it. Feed it to your dogs too. That's my experience with it and I do still feed a lot of bread. I'm not made of money but my horses are part of how I make a living. Guess poor folks have poor ways idk

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: ED BARNES on November 15, 2012, 04:56:48 pm

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: rebel ridge kennels on November 15, 2012, 06:05:05 pm
 I have always fed bread to my dogs but had never heard of feeding it to the horses. I have a mare that was neglected before I got her i may try adding a little bread to her grain just to see how it does for her. Thanks

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: charles on November 15, 2012, 07:42:36 pm
I had a horse that learned how to open the back door n caught him, well heard hoof steps in the house n he ate a whole loaf on numerous ocassions n it didnt hurt him.

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: payden meisner on November 15, 2012, 08:29:28 pm
if u can get any kind of vegatible oil mix a quarter cup with his grain at feeding and that will do real good it will also help lubricate his intestines

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: laurendaniel1995 on November 19, 2012, 01:37:06 pm
yes. my boyfriends grandpa use to feed nothing but bread to feed his horses and this is how he ran his breeding program. the horses looked great!

Title: Re: texas horsemen
Post by: DIAMOND A KENNELS on November 19, 2012, 06:06:41 pm
it has way to much starch in it and is likely to cause one to colic sooner or later and the same goes to people who feed tortillas to horses bread in know way was ever meant to be fed to a horse ! However if ur just feeding pasture pets that don't matter much then I guess it would be ok !! But I would have to agree with a earlier post I seen if u are worried about stretching feed or cutting corners then sell the horse and buy something within your budget !