Title: Engine pulling? Post by: dub on November 17, 2012, 08:33:39 pm I am about to have to get inside my engine. I have 2001 Dodge with the Cummins. The big problem I have is living in a neighborhood. I will have to work in my garage. The truck won't fit in the garage. If I strip the engine down can I use a normal lift? I would have to take the tires off to get the truck down low enough. But the last time I tried to pull a diesel I bent the lift. I can't go buy one of those expensive lifts. Does anybody know how to make a cheap A-Frame I could use and the take apart to put back together to put the engine back in? I wish I knoew someone with one of those setups on their truck that can pull an engine. I need to keep it cheap because Christmas is coming up. But as soon as deer season is over I have some pigs to go get so I need it fixed. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Engine pulling? Post by: Peachcreek on November 17, 2012, 08:40:05 pm A regular ole harbor freight engine lift will jerk it out no problem.