Title: Cab-Over Camper on Trailer Post by: Kassie727 on November 19, 2012, 05:20:56 pm We have an over-the-cab camper for sale. I believe it is a 1970's model, but I'm not positive. It has a table that turns into a twin bed, a full bed up top, 2 sinks, a refridgerator/freezer, gas stove & oven, 2 large closets, a radio, a/c, electrical outlets, & lights. We used 1 small electric heater to heat the camper in the winter. There is tons of storage in this camper. This would be perfect for the deer lease or to just take camping. This camper is in great condition and has been taken good care of. It does not leak at all and stays warm during the winter. We are asking $700 OBO. We have it on a gooseneck trailer right now, so if you are interested in the camper and trailer, we can make it a package deal. If you would like to come take a look at it, you can call, text, or email me. 817-253-8952/Kassie.jeremy@hotmail.com
(http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/Kassie727/Things%20for%20sell%20and%20Things%20sold/P9190021.jpg) (http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/Kassie727/Things%20for%20sell%20and%20Things%20sold/P9190014.jpg) (http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/Kassie727/Things%20for%20sell%20and%20Things%20sold/P9190009.jpg) (http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/Kassie727/Things%20for%20sell%20and%20Things%20sold/P9190011.jpg) |