Title: Young dogs Post by: arkla hunter on November 21, 2012, 02:59:24 pm Due to my work schedule im force 2 sell all my young dogs. Work 7 days a week ive hardly got time 2 hunt my grown dogs much less train pups. 1st pup is a female plott. She is around 7 months old. She is out of orval roberts stock. She keeps her nose down an is really fast. I think she has the potential 2 make an outstanding trail dog. Ive worked her in a 2 acre pen several times an shes bayed each time. She has only been worked with an older dog.
The other 2 pups came from mr. Whitten. They are half white deer plott half catahoula. 1male 1female. These are beautiful dogs. Both have been in my 2 acre baypen 2 times with a grown dog. Both bayed an showed alot of interest. Thesr pups are bred rite an should make sum nice hog dogs. The only reason there for sale is for lack of time 2 train them. These are nice dog and if someone will put a lil time into them they wont b disappointed. You can probability pm mr. Whitten (halfbreed) on here an he can tell you more about the parents. I want $100 for each pup. Im located in Magnolia, ar. I can send pics thru text. U can reach me at (870)904-3104 call or text. My email is chanceoneal@hotmail.com but i rarely check it. Thanks for looking |