Title: Start dog Post by: nollkamperc on June 08, 2009, 12:23:50 am My buddy i hunt with has a six year old black mouth cur. He has been on alot of hogs struck alot. We use to hunt him alot over that time we hunted him he picked up a bad habit he started trail barking when the hogs would break from him. After he started doing that we still hunted him but only alone so no other dogs picked it up and we still caught hogs just not as many if we hit running hogs. He has real good bark you can tell if he is baying or trail barking he just yips when he is trail barking to the hog. I think someone that has dogs that will stick close to him and put teeth on a hog he would fit in good. He is a real loose baying dog. We just stopped hunting him about six months ago. My buddy really wants someone to pick him up that wants to hunt him cause he has been in a kennel along time. We are located in floresville. Please dont just post just call him if you need to know anything else or if interested 210 464 4513 Kevin Russell.
http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i95/chazpav24/hpim0142.jpg |