Title: catahoula and a pit fs or trade Post by: billy22 on December 17, 2012, 09:23:38 pm 3 year old cat male black an tan color close to short range supposed to b finished I dnt knw. Iv never huted him traded with a buddy Cuz he wanted my ol hood dog. Pit id bought as a catch dog but never got to hunt either they came from the same guy . I will take 450 for the pair or trade for somethin that dnt eat ???? Please dnt call or txt me unless u are wanting to ask when u can pick them up or making a offer. IF U WANNA TRY THEM THATS FINE IF U COME GET THEM .WE CAN GO HUNT AROUND HERE IF U WANT OR U CAN TAKE THEM WITH U IF U LEAVE THE MONEY OR TRADE. My u-joints r goin out in my truck so I can't meet. DAISY OKLA 580-513-0739 BILLY. hogdogginbilly@gmail. com
STUPID QUESTIONS WILL BE IGNORED. (EXAMPLE) WERE U LOCATED? WILL U MEET ME? READ THE HOLE AD. Thanks. Dnt mean to sound rude but Damn the questions get really tiring! An most are answered in the ad so understand or dnt. |