HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: yelladog0300 on December 27, 2012, 02:32:38 pm

Title: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: yelladog0300 on December 27, 2012, 02:32:38 pm
well idk bout you guys but this durn weather has done caused all kinds of ppl to lose power.. my house has been out for two days now and the electricity ppl said it could possibly be up to a week until they get it back on.. anyone having the luck i am? LOL

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: Shotgun wg on December 27, 2012, 03:00:56 pm
Thankfully no. In '93 we had a huge ice storm. It was 1 month before we got power back. We were taking food and burying it in ice outside to keep it from spoiling. We still have a set of light bulbs rigged up to run off the truck battery just in case. Stay warm and hope they get the juice on soon for ya.

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: yelladog0300 on December 27, 2012, 03:07:20 pm
Thankfully no. In '93 we had a huge ice storm. It was 1 month before we got power back. We were taking food and burying it in ice outside to keep it from spoiling. We still have a set of light bulbs rigged up to run off the truck battery just in case. Stay warm and hope they get the juice on soon for ya.
Lol we are taking what we have in the fridge and puttin it on top of the trucks we dont drive that much cause they still have about 6inches if snow on it.. been cookin on the fish cooker and grillen some .. in all its really not that bad till it turns dark and theyre is nothing to do.. besides hunt .. ha

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: Shotgun wg on December 27, 2012, 03:31:59 pm
Lol. Then u go out and get cold. When u get home it's still cold. If u got a couple old headlights out of a car u can hook em to a battery for lights. Just swap it out with the one in the truck from time to time to keep charged. I know when it happend to us I learned to rise and fall with the chickens.

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: yelladog0300 on December 27, 2012, 03:46:47 pm
Lol. Then u go out and get cold. When u get home it's still cold. If u got a couple old headlights out of a car u can hook em to a battery for lights. Just swap it out with the one in the truck from time to time to keep charged. I know when it happend to us I learned to rise and fall with the chickens.
that aint no joke

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: dub on December 27, 2012, 04:43:52 pm
Your heat still works right? I got a couple little lights from TSC at the register that have a magnet and a hook. They put out pretty good light and were only $3 each. I laid one down shining at the ceiling and it lit the room up.

Title: Re: C'mon power!! ( durn weather)
Post by: halfbreed on December 27, 2012, 06:07:47 pm
   lol dang boy's don't guess ya'll was in the boy scouts  , be prepared lol  when the power goes out on me i just go to the garage and break out the colemans lanterns and stove . i allways keep the old origanal fuel on hand . i guess that comes from living in waxahachie and when a good heavy fog would nock out the lights  . but i am looking for a generator now due to mom needing her breathing equipment  . but these king of events makes you have some respect for our great grandparents  lol .  what was every day life to them is purt near impossible for us  .