HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Reuben on January 01, 2013, 02:16:26 pm

Title: Gun Control...
Post by: Reuben on January 01, 2013, 02:16:26 pm

I copied this quote from one of matt_aggie04's footer signatures...the first time I saw it it got me to thinking and I really like it because it was true then and it is true now...the meaning is the same no matter when or where...
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: arrowbar on January 01, 2013, 03:39:26 pm
Ironically the school shootings really went mainstream during the gun ban

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: charles on January 01, 2013, 04:05:05 pm
My guns can be hammered into a plow once im dead. They wont get them before im out of ammo and dead

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: buddylee on January 01, 2013, 06:46:44 pm
My brother is a cop. He said if they banned his personal weapons he'd file a police report stating they were stolen !

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: JRyanS on January 01, 2013, 07:16:07 pm
No one will ever come to your home and try to take your guns away. That would start a civil war and the Government know thats. What I think the will do is try to offer you a deal thats hard to refuse ex. $300 in fuel coupons, $500 in grocery coupons ect. kinda like they did in California. The kicker is that it might work in the poorer states and/or northern states.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: charles on January 01, 2013, 07:21:55 pm
No one will ever come to your home and try to take your guns away. That would start a civil war and the Government know thats. What I think the will do is try to offer you a deal thats hard to refuse ex. $300 in fuel coupons, $500 in grocery coupons ect. kinda like they did in California. The kicker is that it might work in the poorer states and/or northern states.

Keep thikn that. It may not be our life time, but it may in our childrens life or their children, but it will happen.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: JRyanS on January 01, 2013, 08:49:38 pm
No one will ever come to your home and try to take your guns away. That would start a civil war and the Government know thats. What I think the will do is try to offer you a deal thats hard to refuse ex. $300 in fuel coupons, $500 in grocery coupons ect. kinda like they did in California. The kicker is that it might work in the poorer states and/or northern states.

Keep thikn that. It may not be our life time, but it may in our childrens life or their children, but it will happen.

I will, they would have to send troops to every house and there would be a firefight. The government knows that the nation would collapse in on it self. I think they'll just keep selling firearms all together. When I was in we did some at the time "secret" Marshal Law training but were sent back home because they felt it was unnecessary spending. That's my opinion anyways.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: reatj81 on January 01, 2013, 10:17:36 pm
The near future will be very interesting.   What I am afraid of is each small step they make in gun controll

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: JRyanS on January 01, 2013, 10:31:42 pm
1st step will be assault rifles 2nd will be ammo.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 01, 2013, 10:36:59 pm
I think that after a few waves of buy backs and and few years of very restricted sales of ammo and firearms they know they can get the upper hand on the population. They know what steps to take and how to take them, they have plenty of examples to study like Australia and Great Britain.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: CentralTex 254 on January 07, 2013, 08:00:10 pm
1st step will be assault rifles 2nd will be ammo.
Seems to me they are taking our ammo by propaganda already. Certain parties scream gun control. That makes people panic into buying bulk ammo and buying more firearms than normal. I wanted to shoot my ar 15 and my 1911 45. Went to Waco looked at every single store that would sell ammo and could not find any ammo 223 45 9mm 357 few boxes of 40 few boxes of 270 and others . No bulk ammo boxes of anything either. Every place said they were sold completely out. Most said their ammo shipments wouldn't come in untill February. Now you can't tell me it wouldn't be easy for our government to stop all ammo shipments while supplies are low.  Shooting fish in a barrel wouldn't even describe it.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: JRyanS on January 07, 2013, 08:05:11 pm
Yeah, and the piece of sh!t dealer jacking and price gouging the ammo scares even more people into buying.

Title: Re: Gun Control...
Post by: charles on January 07, 2013, 08:22:11 pm
 1 shot, 1 kill. it dont take a 30rd of pray n spray to hit the target/s. i got a lil ammo and refuse to buy ammo at these price gouged prices. i hope the dealers can eat the ammo and chit new brass n lead. its asshame with the way people flok out in a panic for guns n ammo after this kind of inccident and all it does is feed the antis in a showing of how obssed with guns n ammo. i think matt is correct, this country has germany, great britain, australia, china, russia, the phillipenes, japan as an example of ways to remove firearms and controling the limitations on firearms. its just a matter of time. that government housing chimp and his cronies are gonna walk on the 2nd amendment right, turn round, drop traw and wipe when finished and flush it.