Title: Well started dogs for sale or trade OK. Post by: boomerdog89 on January 02, 2013, 11:08:26 am I have male catxbmcxstagxpointer bayed his own stays hooked with older dogs for mile or so does good n fresh sign wouldn't surprise me if he strikes and bays his own n fresh sign 400$ 2nd is catxgh gyp been on alot of hogs seems to do better n fresh sign has gotten a mile from me but I call her short to med range hasn't seemed to trash on anything 500$ ( I'm still using these dogs but have my others and my buddies hav thers just would like to concentrate one top dogs sister) 9189068583 call or text cmindemann@ yahoo.com also have unstarted pit gyp and catxhound gyp 75$ each or would throw in if u bought top pair