Title: Parker dogs Post by: Skrag on January 02, 2013, 01:40:57 pm Who hunts parker blood? How do they hunt for you? I like the way they are built and look so post em if you got em.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 02, 2013, 05:44:05 pm I have hunted with two in N FL that were some of the best dogs I have ever seen. Cold nose, good bottom and relayed like crazy. I owned a couple that did not make the cut for me. I have a pup coming from a friend of mine.
(http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/trackerlitter.jpg) (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/larry1.jpg) This is a papered catahoula but he could pass for a Parker LOL (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/a43aeb1d.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 02, 2013, 06:00:32 pm That papered catahoula looks like it belongs to Matt Duke.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Reuben on January 02, 2013, 06:01:57 pm I've got five 7 month old pups chomping at the bit to do something...they are 1/2 parker and 1/2 kemmer...soon as deer season is over I will be working with them...I hope to get the best of both breeds in a few pups...
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 02, 2013, 06:04:40 pm I've hunted behind quite a few.
I own two 11 month old pups I raised and gave a few more out to good friends. Hopefully these will turn out like their daddy, which is cold nosed, tons of bottom, and brains. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 02, 2013, 06:06:45 pm That papered catahoula looks like it belongs to Matt Duke. ;D ;) He is doing well Ben. Loves a hog, a little rougher then I like but I think a good hog will make him back up! I am taking him tomorrow to a real nice spot I hope to get him on a few. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Bo Pugh on January 02, 2013, 06:56:35 pm i have one that i think is around 10 months old, i plan on starting him in february. he is alot different than the other currs i been around. i had him in a kennel but he was eating my wooden post so i tied him thinking he would tame down a little but he has more energy than any dog i have ever seen he is just wired up and barks about 23hours a day i have put him in a pen a few times and bays pretty good. im ready to take him hunting and see what he might make
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: leonriverboy on January 02, 2013, 09:07:23 pm I started a full Parker pup 2 weeks ago, he is 8 months found and bayed his own pig the first hunt. He is doing real well so far.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Da Butcher on January 03, 2013, 12:53:11 pm Glad to hear the pup is doing well for you leonriverboy. I just need to get the two I kept out in the field and see how they do. One of the two has done real well in a baypen, the other OK.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Da Butcher on January 03, 2013, 01:19:57 pm Here are a couple of pic's of full blood parkers (yes, even the yella pup is a parker, DNA verified)
(http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff434/ATaylor67/photo2-2_zps28f69830.jpg) this is a pic of a 8 month old pup and his daddy (http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff434/ATaylor67/photo5-1_zps30eef9b9.jpg) this is a pic of two 8 month old pups (litter mates) (http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff434/ATaylor67/photo3-2_zps6c99b876.jpg) this is a pic of the mother of the pups previously shown. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: yelladog0300 on January 03, 2013, 01:56:45 pm i have one that i think is around 10 months old, i plan on starting him in february. he is alot different than the other currs i been around. i had him in a kennel but he was eating my wooden post so i tied him thinking he would tame down a little but he has more energy than any dog i have ever seen he is just wired up and barks about 23hours a day i have put him in a pen a few times and bays pretty good. im ready to take him hunting and see what he might make X2! i have a gyp thats right at 6 months and man ill tell you .. this bishh will bark at a blade of grass movin in the wind !!Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 03, 2013, 02:26:25 pm Just curious on everyone's opinion of them that has posted. I have noticed and heard alot have the same qualities (Skiddish, Hard to handle, Bark 24/7, Stubborn) Im not saying this is every Parker because the two good ones I saw handled nice and were not skiddish at all. Just curious on what everyone thinks??????
Butcher, is this Alfred from the Parker board? We have talked a couple times I believe. This is Matt from FL. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 03, 2013, 02:37:38 pm The biggest problem I've run across is the road running.
I've got two pups that act nothing like a parker dog but are full blooded. They seem to want to please me but they aren't a year old so I might eat all these words. The dogs daddy though is the best Parker dog I've hunted behind, and I've hunted behind a fair number. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: yelladog0300 on January 03, 2013, 03:18:33 pm Just curious on everyone's opinion of them that has posted. I have noticed and heard alot have the same qualities (Skiddish, Hard to handle, Bark 24/7, Stubborn) Im not saying this is every Parker because the two good ones I saw handled nice and were not skiddish at all. Just curious on what everyone thinks?????? the one i have is jus a tad skiddish and barks ... litteraly 24/7!Butcher, is this Alfred from the Parker board? We have talked a couple times I believe. This is Matt from FL. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: sanman on January 03, 2013, 04:28:17 pm Haven't hunted with a full Parker yet, but have hunted with some half and some a little more than that. All of them hunted good. Tons of bottom for sure. Don't know how to figure out how much Parker my new one has, but I am pretty fired up about her. Not the best pic, but only one I have so far.
Barbara (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/01/04/pavegusu.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: red79 on January 03, 2013, 06:44:13 pm I have hunted with a couple of them and they seem to just run u spend most of the time looking for them instead of hunting haven't seen one I would own but I always hear of them selling for a lot of money and how good they r.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 03, 2013, 06:46:10 pm I have hunted with a couple of them and they seem to just run u spend most of the time looking for them instead of hunting haven't seen one I would own but I always hear of them selling for a lot of money and how good they r. They're dogs. Some are decent, a few are Great, and then some ain't worth talking about. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Backwoods on January 04, 2013, 10:02:05 am I have hunted Parker dogs for a long time. And Like BA said, like others you get some that are outstanding and some that are average, however, the thing that I have seen is most will make you some kind of hog dog, might not be the best but if you put the time in they will be a hog dog. Now with that said ,,, several of you guys on here have been breeding dogs for a long long time, and like Parker dogs, most of yours make some kind of hog dog to. And depending on the person and how they hunt will depend on what kind of dog that is.. The Parker dog I have right now is out of the Levi dog. He is 3/4 Levi and 1/4 red cur out of Mississippi. And I have a 3/4 parker (Levi/Rowdy) and 1/4 Cat. from Forest Parker in NC. he is also making a good dog. He was a little slower to start than my Crawfish dog, and My Crawfish dog is red and my sniper dog is the traditional blacka and brindle . I think a lot of dogs with the right DNA have been sent down the wrong path do to the owner not realy knowing how to train a dog . But this is just my Openion.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Da Butcher on January 04, 2013, 12:27:27 pm Hey FLCracker (Matt), yes sir this is Alfred... Yeah, my parkers like to bark but its primarily the male that barks. But a "anti-bark collar" and a Red Rider have gotten the barking down to where i can tolerate it (I have no tolerance for a barking dog). My dogs are a little skiddish, and have shown a stubborn streak & have a decent bottom. I'm not an experienced dogman like most of the fellas on here & havent hunted behind a whole lot of other dogs so its hard for me to compare them to other dogs. I'm happy with what Ive seen so far, the oldest dogs i have are not even 2 yet and have struck quite a few hogs.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Swine-Stalker on January 04, 2013, 05:18:08 pm Parker x Mellman
(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/01/05/eve3a2eb.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Swine-Stalker on January 04, 2013, 05:29:39 pm If I could get my hands on another couple pups I would. I got mine at a bad time of year. She started getting used to me about the time we slowed down for deer season. Hasn't been on a hog with me yet due to not honoring a bay, and hasn't struck her own with me. She has a good handle and speed out of this world, she just needs to slow down and hunt a lil. I have heard that most become independent which is a big plus in my book. I got a good test coming for her on Feb 1st.
Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Skrag on January 08, 2013, 12:10:00 pm (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/01/09/ehavubyz.jpg) this a male pup i am about to start. 5 months old and is showing to be on the rough side.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: sdillard on January 08, 2013, 06:58:42 pm Skrag good looking pup where did u get him from?
Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Skrag on January 08, 2013, 07:12:09 pm Thank you, I have high hopes for him. He is off of Larry Parker's yard. He is a Joe x Twinkle Toes cross.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Peachcreek on January 08, 2013, 09:01:06 pm are all the parkers you guys have rough dogs? i had a 1/2 parker gyp for a while that was pretty loose at a bay but was just told the other day that parkers are rough as a rule.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: bayed up on January 08, 2013, 09:05:37 pm I have been hunting with Parker curs for several years and they work for me really well! Most of them will make a hog dog, if they have the right owner ....they can be a aggervating at times but that's with all dogs... They are really independent and are not me too type dogs so when they r young sometimes they miss the action cause there gone doing there own thing.... then one day as a youngster they will come up bayed by theirself and then they just get better and better with each hunt and experience ....there are several good breeds of dogs out there!!!! the parker line has been really consistent as a breed as a whole Larry has done a good job ! here are some pics of some of mine and a video ( under 2nd pic is a link to a video ).... Some of mine started out a Lil rough but learned respect of a hog pretty quick !!!
(http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/cb52c10b.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/7e3462b8.jpg) http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/6cf0da02.mp4 (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/IMG_1290.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/IMG_1971.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/5-6-09hunt003.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/7E9D334A-36AF-4D78-AFFD-CA86403536EF-510-0000004D77619BE7.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/EE4C8DCE-3308-4069-9B70-D62625D7D4FA-510-0000004D6DCF20BA.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/CA65C6C6-0900-4AD9-9E11-78F2E7893F21-510-0000004D61D4AFEE.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/03B43790-D47B-48C4-8401-555D4262C286-510-0000004D5E46CBE8.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/4147BFD9-B9E1-42FF-A70D-D1301D800C46-510-0000004D5B3D602C.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/40670E2A-B275-4465-90BB-F0098632E8DA-510-0000004D4903D71B.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/8E5A36E4-BB36-4D1D-B20E-F6E47B9A3954-510-0000004D51B97CED.jpg) (http://i719.photobucket.com/albums/ww191/bayedup/C2B8F5A2-510B-44A0-B645-22EC6F4A79A7-510-0000004D72815FC8.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 08, 2013, 09:11:57 pm are all the parkers you guys have rough dogs? i had a 1/2 parker gyp for a while that was pretty loose at a bay but was just told the other day that parkers are rough as a rule. As a rule they start pretty rough...mine don't hardly bay and my male air a year old and has seen some good hogs, had his tooth knocked out, been whipped and beat by a boar, and still ain't learned. Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Skrag on January 08, 2013, 10:01:25 pm Bayed up. Those are some nice dogs.
I hope my pup turns out real rough or catchy. So far the closest he has come to a hunt was 3 wild pigs getting out of the pen and ran into a bottom. I figured it was a good opportunity so I walked him across the track 15 minutes later and he found 2 out of 3 lol. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 08, 2013, 10:03:45 pm Bayed up. Those are some nice dogs. I hope my pup turns out real rough or catchy. So far the closest he has come to a hunt was 3 wild pigs getting out of the pen and ran into a bottom. I figured it was a good opportunity so I walked him across the track 15 minutes later and he found 2 out of 3 lol. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 My two young ones are off Joe x Pearl...pearl was twinkle toes littermate sister I'm pretty sure. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: hogmantx1979 on January 08, 2013, 10:14:06 pm I would like to find someone to post a pic of my new full Parker pup
Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Skrag on January 08, 2013, 10:17:38 pm Twinkle toes is a curly bill x june cross. At any rate my fingers are crossed for this pup to mature into a rough as a cob hard head. Let me know if you get tired of that ole rough dog. ;D
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 08, 2013, 10:20:52 pm Twinkle toes is a curly bill x june cross. At any rate my fingers are crossed for this pup to mature into a rough as a cob hard head. Let me know if you get tired of that ole rough dog. ;D Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 I'll talk to Larry. I thought twinkle toes was Slim x May like my gyp...I remember seeing the gyp when Nathan Reeves brought her to hunt when I was hunting down there with Larry. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 08, 2013, 10:22:13 pm Either way it's a Joe pup and you can't go wrong with him. By far the best Parker dog I've hunted behind.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: sanman on January 08, 2013, 10:30:11 pm I have been hunting with Parker curs for several years and they work for me really well! Most of them will make a hog dog, if they have the right owner ....they can be a aggervating at times but that's with all dogs... They are really independent and are not me too type dogs so when they r young sometimes they miss the action cause there gone doing there own thing.... then one day as a youngster they will come up bayed by theirself and then they just get better and better with each hunt and experience ....there are several good breeds of dogs out there!!!! the parker line has been really consistent as a breed as a whole Larry has done a good job ! here are some pics of some of mine and a video ( under 2nd pic is a link to a video ).... Some of mine started out a Lil rough but learned respect of a hog pretty quick !!! Hey Will, you still hunting with Brandon from Mississippi? I sent him a message on his site the other day and never heard from him. The fellow I been hunting with raised that Eller dog he has. He isn't much on the computer, so he asked me to send him a message an see how he was doing. Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 08, 2013, 10:34:55 pm Hogmantx1979 gyp pup.
(http://i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss166/BA-IV/09537AAE-54E1-4B0D-8554-6EAA346A2B22-111-000001E95D05CCA8.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: hogmantx1979 on January 08, 2013, 10:39:48 pm Thanks BA IV
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Jpigg on January 08, 2013, 11:18:55 pm Backwoods I have to agree with you 100 percent.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: bayed up on January 09, 2013, 10:58:56 am Sanman- yes me and Brandon still hunt together a lot ... He still has Eller and he is doing fine ... I will give him the message .
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: levibarcus on January 09, 2013, 12:09:33 pm I had two half Parker half cat gyps out of the same litter. Everything that has been said so far was true of both of them. A little shy, independent, good bottom, lots of hunt, and rough as a cob. So rough that neither one lived past being more than well started. They had no respect for a bad hog even after being cut down bad several times. If I could find all of the good qualities they had in a loose baying dog I'd be tickled.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Reuben on January 09, 2013, 09:02:38 pm Bayed Up...that dog in pic #4 and #10 is a fine looking cur dog...a little more ear and a 5 inch bob tail and I would call it a mt. cur... :)
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: paul.m on January 09, 2013, 09:18:37 pm Thats all i hunt with is Parker Curr!! Very happy and satisfied with the line that i have.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: bayed up on January 09, 2013, 10:02:25 pm Rueben - the dogs in pic 4 and 10 is my tracker dog .... he is the sure to the majority of my young dogs .... He was a litter brother to the shad dog and is a year older but same cross as larries joe dog ....
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: bayed up on January 09, 2013, 10:05:10 pm I meant sire lol ....
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Reuben on January 09, 2013, 10:09:46 pm I meant sire lol .... yep...i figured it out... Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: Take Them Alive on January 15, 2013, 10:09:36 am (http://[img])[/img]
I have hunted with two in N FL that were some of the best dogs I have ever seen. Cold nose, good bottom and relayed like crazy. I owned a couple that did not make the cut for me. I have a pup coming from a friend of mine. (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/trackerlitter.jpg) (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/larry1.jpg) This is a papered catahoula but he could pass for a Parker LOL (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/a43aeb1d.jpg) That's not even close to a Parker Dog Well not a full Blooded one....(http://) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 15, 2013, 09:12:53 pm The top 3 pics are full Parkers and the last one is a papered Cat
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 15, 2013, 09:17:40 pm I'm pretty sure he was referring to the way you described the good ones you've seen and how they hunted.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 15, 2013, 09:27:36 pm I have no idea ???
I took that Catahoula pup (Luke) the other night 1st time being in the woods with the grown dogs at night I turned him out and he left out like he had been doing it his whole life. Shortly after it started raining and the wind picked up. We hunted for another hour and had to call it a night due to weather. I was real impressed with him he hates a hog and stayed (200-300 yards) on the Garmin the whole time. Ask Stacy next time you talk to him he was with me. Luke (7-8 months) (http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n495/baynslay/luke.jpg) Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 15, 2013, 09:30:01 pm Get a better picture of him and throw up next time your around him, he looks like he's filled out pretty good.
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: FLCracker on January 15, 2013, 09:35:04 pm That joker is WIDE OPEN he does not sit still. I will have to put him on a lead tomorrow and get a better pic! The HUNT is there I just need to work on his handle he is crazy. ;D
Title: Re: Parker dogs Post by: BA-IV on January 15, 2013, 09:50:14 pm I know his breeding, so if he gets to be to much you just point him west and I'll make sure he gets a good pine tree ;D