Title: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: H.Wilson on January 04, 2013, 06:53:37 pm Well my grandparents haven't killed a deer all year an that is very unusual for them well I'm not gonna let them go with out so I eased up to the national Forrest yesterday evening around 3:00 I got out of my truck at 3:25 and was dragging both of these bucks out at 3:36 I walked in to the woods about a hundred yards and the smaller one with the broke off horn was standing broadside at about 85 yards I saw that he was missing the horn so I smoked him and the bigger buck came running over the hill at me I stopped him in a fire lane at about 50 yards and popped him as well let's just the grandparents are happy and I'm tagged out now there was 3 bucks all running together the third was a little smaller than the 8 point probably just shy of legal
(http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/lauren0529/6823376D-E72B-4915-9F13-FBCE927C49AD-3272-0000025FB7F94807.jpg) (http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/lauren0529/62ACA1E0-0422-4DE0-BE9C-355CE3EA103A-3272-0000025FF92367A5.jpg) The 8 point was 13 1/2 inches wide which just made legal Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: Lacy man on January 04, 2013, 09:21:25 pm Well looks like I need to head back up there maybe the weather will hold up instead of rain, rain, and rain some more beautiful country up there
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: H.Wilson on January 05, 2013, 05:25:17 pm Well looks like I need to head back up there maybe the weather will hold up instead of rain, rain, and rain some more beautiful country up there Yea Colby I love this country up here these big pines and deep draws are always welcoming till you have to drag a couple deer up those draws then you hate em Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: T-Bob Parker on January 05, 2013, 06:30:49 pm Good job hunter!
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: cantexduck on January 05, 2013, 10:37:53 pm Freezer full. When you say legal you mean what ?
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: H.Wilson on January 06, 2013, 08:01:25 pm Freezer full. When you say legal you mean what ? We have a law in our county and all or surrounding counties that I know of where we can kill two bucks one cull a spike or a deer with one unbranched antler or our trophy deer I guess they call it that can be 13 inches wide or bigger Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: cantexduck on January 06, 2013, 09:29:41 pm That what I figured. So that Buck is wider then 13 ?
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: H.Wilson on January 07, 2013, 05:04:11 pm 13 1/2 inches
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: 94Hunter on January 16, 2013, 11:08:11 pm The antler that was broken off has to be at least an 1" long to count as an antler and it doesn't look it. I zoomed in on the picture and it looks completely gone. The one antler that is there is obviously not "unbranched" either.
Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: charles on January 19, 2013, 04:25:43 pm it dont matter if its 13 or 13 1/2, hunter they r good deer, especially for freezer meet. pics make hte antlers look small, well thats what iv told the warden. >:D ;D
good job hunter. Title: Re: Goo hunt yesterday evening 1-3-2013 Post by: RyanTBH on January 22, 2013, 03:47:59 pm Good deer Hunter!