HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Izz on January 09, 2013, 07:07:56 am

Title: AR's
Post by: Izz on January 09, 2013, 07:07:56 am
Any of you purchased any here lately. If so what you pay if you dont mind me askin. I been hearing and also witnessd some outrageous prices on some. Just wondering if anybodys paid what they are going for.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: JRyanS on January 09, 2013, 07:11:47 am
Your best bet right now would be to build one. Check out Model 1 Sales, I think the website is m1sales.com
The best deal I've found is at Wal-Mart but I'm not sure if they stopped selling them or not now.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Eric on January 09, 2013, 07:51:51 am
Not all of them have gone up you just have to shop around. You can still order them around for the same price.  A lot of the individual sales... person to person... have gone up.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Izz on January 09, 2013, 08:02:56 am
Yea im been curious about it. Ive came across some good deals personally but as far as the gun show  and some business owners its pretty ridiculous on some prices. I know academy has them for good price but they said they sell out withing 15 minutes.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: justincorbell on January 09, 2013, 08:24:14 am
Yea im been curious about it. Ive came across some good deals personally but as far as the gun show  and some business owners its pretty ridiculous on some prices. I know academy has them for good price but they said they sell out withing 15 minutes.

yea, academy isn't gouging anyone from what i've heard. I have a buddy that works at the beaumont location and he said that they are getting ar's and ammo in every morning and every morning there are people standing in line at the door to buy it all, he said if I wanted ammo I needed to get there early as everything has been sellin out daily..........this whole craze will slack off soon enough. Hell i've got an ar and I can't find a box of shells for it, luckily I have a few extras layin around.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: halfbreed on January 09, 2013, 08:59:12 am
   lol you boys better start buying all the equipment and powder you need to do you own reloading and stock up , it's done been said that gun control won't work to many out there allready  , but as i heard one politicion say the only way to regulate them would be to control the ammo  .

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 09, 2013, 09:08:06 am
How much is high?  What would you value an unshot, brand new armalite with magpul furniture, 1 20 round mag and 2 magpul 30 round mags, gun is said to be a flat top.  Now I don't know what all that means but I have an opportunity to get one and would like to know what that would be worth.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Peachcreek on January 09, 2013, 09:14:51 am
A friend just bought a new one at gander mountain yesterday for 1200 bucks. As said earlier i think the person to person sales is what is through the roof. And matt i think flat top just means without sights, with those the have a dovetail slide on top for optics. That is how mine is....

Title: Re: Re: AR's
Post by: Hogsnatchers on January 09, 2013, 09:16:09 am
Depending on the type of magpul furniture. With ars it all depends on the specifics one part can change the value 300$ or more real fast.

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Title: Re: AR's
Post by: matt_aggie04 on January 09, 2013, 09:27:38 am
The guy had it priced at $2500 but I am thinking he may be trying to get over on me....

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: JRyanS on January 09, 2013, 09:32:18 am
The guy had it priced at $2500 but I am thinking he may be trying to get over on me....

That's to much for me. You could buy an ACR for that price.

Title: Re: Re: AR's
Post by: DWEST on January 09, 2013, 09:33:07 am
I wouldnt pay 2500 for an AR, but thats me.  The same thing happened when Obama first took office.  My advice is to wait, and after the dust settles you will be able to find overstock ones in the 6-8 range

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Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Peachcreek on January 09, 2013, 09:34:35 am
Yeah matt that sounds pretty steep.... Academy has them too. You might have to figure out when the new shipment comes in and wait in line. That is how my buddy got his.

Title: Re: Re: AR's
Post by: Hogsnatchers on January 09, 2013, 10:09:55 am
Yea way to steep for that.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: justincorbell on January 09, 2013, 10:42:05 am
I wouldn't personally pay more than 14-1600 for the gun you have mentioned matt, these days everyone is tryin to cash in on the "assault rifle" craze. I would hold tight just a bit longer and wait til prices drop back down........I don't ever see em going back as low as they were but they will come down some in the next month or two.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Spencer on January 09, 2013, 11:07:54 am
Mark My Word, Wait till April and prices will be back down!

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Purebreedcolt on January 09, 2013, 11:28:21 am
Don't count on prices to drop while they may there is legislation now to stop ALL import and new manufacture of assault weapon components.  If your truly tring to save and want to save go through jse and build you one.  They send out good guns and are good on prices.  If laws don't get passed then yes the prices will not come down but if they do they will likely go even higher.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: charles on January 09, 2013, 11:40:32 am
The guy had it priced at $2500 but I am thinking he may be trying to get over on me....
I hope he can digest that gun. It aint worth 2500.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Purebreedcolt on January 09, 2013, 11:44:49 am
Pulled this off of facebook. " JUST FOUND OUT HOW TO GET ASKED TO LEAVE A GUN STORE..LOL i was at elk castle they had windham ar15,same one academy has...they have about 8 of them at 2400.00 each..2 people were there looking at them i asked them in front of salesman what the manufacturer he said windham,i asked how much he said 2400.00 then said "yae i know but the manufacturer went up on price to use to 2 and ahlf what we pay,we are barely making 15% as a service to our loyal customers" i said really....pulle­d out iphone went to manufactures site and asked the salesman why does windhamm have MSRP AT 1055.00 and handed iphone to customers,they handed to him,he didnt even look ..he handed my iphone back and asked me to leave...BAHAHAH­AHAHAHAHA"

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: JRyanS on January 09, 2013, 11:51:10 am
Hate to thread jack but I'm a SUPER loyal customer to Ammo Depot (it's a gun store up here) and when they told me the price of RE-PACKED FMJ (.223) was $65 when they were $40 I called them out infront of a few people asking how come only the private dealers are going up when I could go to Academy or BPS and get the same thing for the price its always been. He was pissed but I was in uniform so he just walked away.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Purebreedcolt on January 09, 2013, 11:57:15 am
hahaha that is funny jryans. It is crazy how much dang sks has jumped I have been looking on facebook on some gun groups and dang 500 for a durn sks is cheap.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Eric on January 09, 2013, 01:08:34 pm
You can order them from Bison or RRA. It may be 6 months but its at normal prices.

I would not over pay for an AR. During the last "ban" you could still buy ARs and AKs they just had to meet certain criteria. Not really a big deal. Personally I bought up as many magazines as I could because that's iffy IMO.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Bino9905 on January 09, 2013, 01:27:09 pm
 Mattaggie that gun is prolly worth a good amount armalite is the original company that made those rifles.     AR is not assult rifle but Armalite Rifle

Any way I got one from academy a couple days after the tragedy
I got the windham armory for 800 bucks
Now I can't get any ammo

If anyone wants it mine is for sale for 2K......  ;D. LOL.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: Eric on January 09, 2013, 03:42:17 pm
You can buy ammo. It's not as easy but you can get it.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: CentralTex 254 on January 09, 2013, 09:07:12 pm
I've been to every store in Waco,not exaggerating, and I found 1 box of 50 grain 223 shells for a little over price at praco. They are completely sold out of anything sks ak at etc.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: charles on January 09, 2013, 09:11:34 pm
Well im glad i bought a couple 1000rds of ammo before this crap happened. I guess in sittn on a lead mine.

Title: Re: AR's
Post by: CentralTex 254 on January 10, 2013, 05:56:24 am
Well im glad i bought a couple 1000rds of ammo before this crap happened. I guess in sittn on a lead mine.

I like to have a few hundred rounds or so at all times. I got to the store and buy a box or two when I want to shoot so I dont get into my reserve lol