Title: Hound Transport - Midwest then Mid-South then Texas!! Post by: Cajun Pet Express on January 16, 2013, 06:28:31 am Call or Text Dave 985-516-6713 for quote, Thanks!
Wednesday January 16th - Ohio to Indiana Thursday January 17th - Illinois to W. Kentucky Friday January 18th - Tennessee to N. Georgia Saturday January 19th - Alabama to Mississippi Sunday January 20th - Louisiana Monday January 21st - Texas Tuesday January 22nd - Texas to Louisiana then Mississippi 7 years of Full Time Professional Dog Transport Experience. USDA Licensed and Insured. We are on Schedule and Dependable! Louisiana Sportsman and Enthusiast 2010 insulated Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van (http://prodogtransport.com/sitebuilder/images/Pic-267x382.jpg) (http://prodogtransport.com/sitebuilder/images/frontdogs-429x317.jpg) |