Title: Sweet 160 class buck!.. Post by: Duval county on January 17, 2013, 08:49:38 pm Went out to a buddy's place in George West Tx. As driving around the ranch decided to do a hunt an ended up with this buck.
(http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/DBF068D3-EC97-4C45-9F33-818FE679D2EA-2944-00000317109FC761_zps15656dd5.jpg) (http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/4E79C052-72B9-4C96-9449-F46EB50E8737-2944-000003170159D8CD_zps1b67ae42.jpg) My buddy holding up his nice buck (http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/75215A39-BADE-4705-9002-EA11A8E78E08-2944-000003170E7F23CD_zps12b6615c.jpg) After taking it the taxidermy (http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/5C55DE07-9913-4AFD-96D0-F0FE8380CF6E-2944-00000317154E7ECF_zps9c5265fe.jpg) Title: Re: Sweet 160 class buck!.. Post by: RyanTBH on January 22, 2013, 03:48:31 pm Why didn't your buddy get a shoulder mount? That thing is totally worthy!
Title: Re: Sweet 160 class buck!.. Post by: Duval county on January 22, 2013, 08:09:16 pm Yes he sure is, they cut off the rack an when the taxidermy is ready to work on him mount hell add the rack to the mount an finish him up!
Title: Re: Sweet 160 class buck!.. Post by: Duval county on March 26, 2013, 08:25:24 pm (http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/7DCA1F41-B904-4586-B0EE-7359D7492221-980-0000012121E99584_zps5f31dc54.jpg)