Title: kennel size Post by: GRUNTER HUNTER12 on January 26, 2013, 06:54:28 pm Im thinking of building some kennels and was wondering what size they should be any advice would be helpful.
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: fonzie on January 26, 2013, 07:01:36 pm Mine are 8x8 nothing fancy but they work
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: justincorbell on January 26, 2013, 07:07:47 pm I built 6x10's, enough room for 3-6 young pups or 2 adults
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: JRyanS on January 26, 2013, 07:17:33 pm Mine are 10X10 and 6ft high.
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: hillbilly on January 26, 2013, 08:09:00 pm How many dogs you got?
I got some that are 5'x10' just 1 dog in these. Some 10'x10' got 2 dogs in these Title: Re: kennel size Post by: halfbreed on January 26, 2013, 08:28:00 pm mine are 8x16 one dog to a kennel i have a couple of larger ones for a gyp with pups or an older litter . but on a note when building kennels the size where you keep dogs has alot to do with how often you hunt . hunt a bunch smaller kennels . hunt a little larger kennels . when we were haveing alot of trouble with the humane sociatys [ not that we're not now ] in their legislation the proposed making it mandetory that a kennel was 10 x 15 per dog .[ wich would have made all the shelter facilitys absolite i might add ] . they have not givin up on all this . might be something to consider when putting money into a permant structure . you can make the kennels smaller but be able to , if the need arises, be able to remodel and keep in compliance with any new laws that might arise .
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: cantexduck on January 26, 2013, 09:55:27 pm I don't feel a dog will get any more exercise in a 6 x 8 then it would in a 10 x 10. Write the cost and see what the difference is.
Title: Re: Re: kennel size Post by: BigCutters4 on January 26, 2013, 11:25:15 pm Before hurrican katrina my kennels were 3x12 now they are 5x10 soon i will be going back to a long skinny
Kennel. I preffer long and skinny Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Bama36502 on January 29, 2013, 12:32:42 pm Almost done building my new kennels 4 pens 4x10 each one dog per pen.. going to build a good run yard out in front so they can stretch there legs in the evenings, but i also have two kennels at my dads place that are 6x12 each there plenty of room for two dogs or for momma dogs with pups..
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: crackae11 on January 29, 2013, 12:41:21 pm i have one thats 5x10 and another thats 16x6 and 3 bays plenty of room
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: GRUNTER HUNTER12 on January 29, 2013, 12:50:06 pm can some of yall post some pics i would love to see some of em.
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Blake F on January 29, 2013, 01:17:04 pm My kennels are 5 x 10 with a divider gate so they can double as "2" 5x5 kennels......I hunt at least twice a week and most of the time three times a week so dogs get plenty of excercise.
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: crackae11 on January 29, 2013, 02:20:30 pm (http://i1144.photobucket.com/albums/o484/crackae11/20121228_171343.jpg)
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: dblackwell on January 29, 2013, 06:54:22 pm New set of pens just about done. 16' x 10' w 3 bays going to add a roof and sand.
http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt15/dblackwell/47A40040-3CA1-4D0D-8C92-F880D50ACAF9-2987-000008C3CA9D8C62.jpg Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Cajun on January 29, 2013, 09:20:25 pm Here are some I am building now. The kennels will be 4 x 12 ft on the outside & will come into the shed about 3 ft.
(http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii207/lacauley/DogKennels1-10-13001_zps1a6eb704.jpg) (http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii207/lacauley/DogKennals1-10-132_zps237d9272.jpg) Title: Re: Re: kennel size Post by: BigCutters4 on January 29, 2013, 11:25:06 pm Sure are some fine kennels
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: Re: kennel size Post by: BigCutters4 on January 29, 2013, 11:26:06 pm (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/01/30/3y3everu.jpg)
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Koa96727 on January 30, 2013, 03:04:07 am mines are 4 by 10 (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/01/30/a6y4amuh.jpg)
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Bowtech99 on February 02, 2013, 10:36:19 am Whatever happened to a couple of 5gal buckets, ol barrel, an some chain? ???
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: crackae11 on February 02, 2013, 03:47:30 pm most dogs are taken better care of then we take care of ourselves bowtech ;D and cajun those look exceptional soon i will build a fort like that when my winning numbers pop up ;)
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Bowtech99 on February 02, 2013, 04:05:43 pm HaHa, all my bay dogs have kennels, but CD's got chain!
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Cajun on February 03, 2013, 10:46:39 am Thanks, I have had this dilemma. My kennel building is getting in the way of my hunting & my hunting is getting in the way of finishing my kennels. Right now the hunting is winning. :D
My buddy, who is a electrician asked me why I needed so many receptacles. I told him if he saw all the stuff that has to be charged before every hunt, he would understand.lol Title: Re: kennel size Post by: jon on February 03, 2013, 08:47:37 pm Mine r 8x12 but with a walk through hole in the middle so its a 8x16 unless my mt curr goes into heat then I can close it 2 separate her and my pit
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: Irondog87 on February 04, 2013, 10:23:23 am 8x16 here. Main cd on a chain cuz I don't have a kennel that will hold him if he winds a hog behind the house. Had him break out one day an caught a shoat behind the house, he then gorged himself and came home with a huge belly!! Lol even had a blood beard lol. I think I'm going to remodel and do all 8x10 soon. They will still have plenty of room
Title: Re: kennel size Post by: jon on February 09, 2013, 09:55:21 am Mine r 8x12 but with a walk through hole in the middle so its a 8x16 unless my mt curr goes into heat then I can close it 2 separate her and my pit sorry i messed up on that... 16x12 unless i close the middle and seperate then 2-8x12 |