Title: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 27, 2013, 04:40:15 pm I want to thank Chris for setting this weekend up. You did one heck of a job making sure there was plenty of food and entertainment for everyone involved. Derek and I met the soldiers at 6:30 and brought them to the ranch where Chris had plenty of breakfast tacos for everyone. The chuck Wagon crew had coffee everyone ate and split between the two dog crews of Mike, Peaches, Circle C, and Ben took one crew and headed north Mandi, Derek, and I took the other crew and headed south.
Mike, Peaches, or Chris will have to give the details of their hunt but they ended up with three hogs. Derek, Mandi, and I dropped dogs around 7:30 we hunted hard but could not find a hog track. We covered one property without a bark. We headed down the road to a second property and finally found some sign. Soon after we had a bay going. We walked in to the bay and ended up catching a nice sow and Tasha made a good stick so we finally had a hog down at 9:30. After we finally gathered up all the dogs, we headed to another property and turned the dogs loose again. Mandi noticed her Lizzie dog hit a track across a pasture and we waited for the dogs worked it out. The young dogs picked up the track on Lizzies's lead and jumped the hog. The hogs broke and went about 900 yards before they shut them down. We drove around and stopped about 200 yards from the bay and walked everyone in. As we approached the bay, Derek and I noticed there were two hogs in the tank where they were bayed. Everyone got to get there and watch the bay and even got to watch the catch dogs hit. Tasha got the whole thing on video. Annie got her hog and a video of a lifetime. We headed back for lunch. After the soldiers ate, got a helicopter ride, and watched some of the tractor pull the group that went with Mike's group had to leave. The two ladies wanted to hunt some more so Peaches, Mike, and myself took them out for another round. We never started another hog but had a good time none the less. We got to put some young dogs on the ground together that were all related and was really nice to see genetics shining through. I want to say thank you to all soldiers out there that have served and protected each and everyone of us and I want to say a special thanks to those soldiers that participated this weekend for their sacrifice and courage we were all truly honored to take you guys on a hunt. Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 27, 2013, 04:50:47 pm Tasha and her hog
(http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j475/motocotton11/4BBCEE68-D3F7-417D-9D29-63B8395A24DB-14377-00000FFFBC180DF0.jpg) Annie's hog (http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j475/motocotton11/FE36DE0B-D708-4BBE-B57E-4AC6DE5531ED-14377-00000FFF7292BA7E.jpg) Cotton and his son Skunk Jr (http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j475/motocotton11/BEF078F6-4715-45EA-B0AC-9C30CDE7DD99-14377-00000FFFA39E80AF.jpg) (http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j475/motocotton11/3D8FD19C-D36D-431C-81A9-1B0245FAEE4D-14377-00000FFF8CEC1D49.jpg) Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: KevinN on January 27, 2013, 04:55:31 pm Good story! Good looking dogs.
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Mike on January 27, 2013, 05:01:05 pm Thomas... I enjoyed the hunt and visit. Still can't believe how much Mima looks, acts and moves just like Lucy. They also look identical to Striker and Leroy.
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 27, 2013, 05:04:00 pm Not only do they look alike but they move identical I can't wait to get them back in the woods about a year from now that ought to be something ;D
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Bump on January 27, 2013, 07:45:14 pm Good hunt...that guy in your pictures is ugly.
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 27, 2013, 08:05:18 pm Rex I agree!
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: cward on January 27, 2013, 08:46:19 pm Great deal as ya'll know I support this cause a 100% . Glad to see you posting doggie.
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 28, 2013, 10:18:33 am Thanks Chance I try to post every now and then ;). Sounds like you had a rough weekend all your dogs ok?
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: RyanTBH on January 28, 2013, 10:33:44 am Good stuff Thomas! From the looks of it I'd say ya'll had a good time! Good lookin' dogs!
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: de_moon on January 28, 2013, 01:54:15 pm Love you too Rex. Thanks for giving me my catchdog back.
Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: RyanTBH on January 28, 2013, 02:04:55 pm Posting for Thomas... video of one of the hogs they've gotten on so far.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151201004311086 (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151201004311086) Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Bump on January 28, 2013, 02:51:25 pm Love you too Rex. Thanks for giving me my catchdog back. He looks good. Wish I had room but Im still full on the catch dog department. Not so much on the bay dogs. Title: Re: Wounded Warrior hunt 1-26 Post by: Doggie on January 28, 2013, 06:00:43 pm Mandy I hate that you lost Foxy. I did have a pic one of the soldiers took just before she was lost.
(http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j475/motocotton11/CCF33FEA-FB7D-411C-8EAA-EDFFC06A0A47-15640-00001158D77B7D15.jpg) |