HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on June 20, 2009, 08:05:09 pm

Title: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: Noah on June 20, 2009, 08:05:09 pm
Just got a call from a rattled up rancher..   first thing he says is "they're trying to take our hogs away from us!"..... now, this is the same rancher who originally called me out to get rid of his hogs.... and now he's worried they'll all be gone ;D

He saw some show on Nat. Geographic Channel with Brady Bar and they were talking about putting out hog feed with birth control.... hopefully that never happens in mass.

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: Jeff on June 20, 2009, 08:10:55 pm
i hope not, b/c i seriously doubt that hogs will be the only species affected.

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on June 20, 2009, 08:13:38 pm
I wonder what kind of insurance the hogs are required to have in order to qualify?? :laugh: Actually I would be worried about how it would affect the meat as far as consumption goes. Damn humans and their chemicals!

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: crackerc on June 20, 2009, 08:19:41 pm
Noah, I actually read an article about that in one of those Boar Hunter magazines. I was at a show and they were giving them away so I took one to have something to read at the show. i will see if I can dig it up and give you the issue.

Here it is, I put my hands right on it. It was the July/August 2008 issue. Research was done in the UK, drug is called GonaCon. They vaccinated 6 sows in 2004 and even being exposed to boars all were still infertile in 2006. Now they are working on a bait to deliver this to the hogs in the wild.....not good for us hog hunters.

They are also working on a TOXIC bait called 1080 which is highly specific to hogs, but it kills them .......maybe we should get something like this developed for politicans...... ;D

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: Noah on June 20, 2009, 08:30:48 pm
I don't like the sound of that at all.  (Good idea for the politicians though! ;D)

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: buddylee on June 20, 2009, 08:39:46 pm
I am worried about the poison. I imagine it will become a reality one day and that will be the end of hog hunting as we know it  :'(

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: BigAinaBuilt on June 21, 2009, 01:51:32 am
I wonder if or who would be liable when it gets into water and is drank by someones dog or livestock??

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: Black Gold on June 21, 2009, 06:49:59 am
This is where the anti's help us......If there is even 1 billionth of one percent of a chance that this poision will hurt a frog or salemender it WILL NEVER be released.......and as far as the birth control goes.....It is VERY expensive to disperse.....Would be way cheaper to give a $10 bounty on each hog killed to hunters........

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: 1140_hick on June 21, 2009, 08:30:39 am
can u see the dollar signs in all our eyes now ...lol... and yes there is no way the anti would let this effect even the fly that bites the hog.

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: parker on June 21, 2009, 09:38:09 am
well  they'll  have a  hard  time  getting  it  done  round  here ....... it  would   be  hard  to  develope  anything that  wouldn't  harm  other  animals ......and  i  sure  hope  they  don't  put  any kind  of  bounty  on  hogs  ...talk  about  people  runing  around  everywhere tresspassing ......  maybe  after  i am dead  and  gone  they'll curve  the hog  population  round  here ..... probably  be  several  hog hunters  move  in after  i'm  gone  also ..... i  believe  you'll  end  up  seeing  quite a  few  enclosures  crop  up  around  the  country  just  for  hog hunting  with  dogs .......i  been  thinking  of  maybe  doing  some  kind  of  hog  comp  some  day  in  my  enclosure .......

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: WestTexasCurs on June 21, 2009, 10:37:45 am
This is where the anti's help us......If there is even 1 billionth of one percent of a chance that this poision will hurt a frog or salemender it WILL NEVER be released.......and as far as the birth control goes.....It is VERY expensive to disperse.....Would be way cheaper to give a $10 bounty on each hog killed to hunters........
It would be way cheaper to let dog hunters on your property,than fly it with a helicopter.But I know of several land owners near here that wont let dogs in,but will pay a helo to shoot a few times a year.Some people will just never be reached.They think" If its expensive its got to be good".

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: djhogdogger on June 21, 2009, 11:12:01 am
Hunting lease owners would really be steamed up if birth control feed and poison kills the deer population. Hogs are way more resilliant than deer.

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: Wmwendler on June 21, 2009, 02:53:53 pm
If I am not mistaken Poisoning hogs in the wild is illegal.  So If I am right it doesn't matter if the stuff works, how much it costs, or what else it effects because its illegal.  I've heard the same thing the Birth controle is expensive.


Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: T-Bob Parker on June 22, 2009, 08:32:39 pm
now im just a greenhorn still wet behind the ears but wasnt there a terrible outbreak of hog cholera back in the 80's that was sposed to kill all the ferals? roaches and hogs will be all thats left on this planet one of these days.  besides i proposed the idea of putting birth control in chick beer and margaritas like ten years ago and that never happend

Title: Re: Hog birth control feed....
Post by: crackerc on June 22, 2009, 08:35:43 pm
T-Bob I like the way you think...... ;D
That would have made my college days SO less stressful.....LOL